Base Camp  and Getting Students Organised for Success      

New program for KHS senior students                             


Kempsey High School has introduced Base Camp as a new resource for senior students in 2021. Base Camp functions as a senior study and resource centre that year 11 and 12 students access during their study periods with the aim of improving academic success, student wellbeing, and school to work preparedness. 


The title “Base Camp” refers to the two camps at the base of Mount Everest, which are used by mountain climbers to acclimatise to the new altitude and to prepare for the gruelling journey up Mt Everest. To make it to an Everest base camp requires a 9 to 14 day hike and is an impressive feat in itself. Kempsey High School recognises that our senior students have already made this trek through their primary and junior schooling. They have made it to Base Camp and are now preparing for the journey ahead, whether that involves further study, an apprenticeship, transition to the workforce, or any future goal they see as their Everest. 


At Base Camp, students have access to Mr Squires and Ms Findlay as senior academic coaches, and Mr Rix as Careers Advisor. These teachers aim to work with students to set individualised goals and action plans, and to keep them on track with their studies or transition from school to work. 

Be Organised For Success

SUCCESS IN THE HSC  is all about ' time management'. Many of us leave things to the last minute, and therefore don't get it done as well as we could have. Hopefully this years Year 12 will learn from the habits of the most successful people in the world - and that is: keep a diary!  Writing down what we have to do, and repeatedly writing down what we have to do helps get it done. It has been proven that keeping a diary, writing positive affirmations of short term and long term goals..... and memo's on deadlines for work to be done works. TIME MANAGEMENT is the number one skill to develop for success. Please, please use your diary. People say "Good Luck" in the HSC. Well, believe me you create your luck through time management!

Philanthropist and Kempsey Shire Councilor Mr. Mark Baxter kindly donated student diaries for our senior students. Mr. Baxter's inspirational and motivating ideas will certainly help our senior students be prepared and organised for their future endeavours.