From the Deputy 

SRC and Student Leadership


Dear Families,


Student voice and student leadership remains a high priority at St. Anthony's.  Distance Learning has developed our expertise as educators in a variety of ways.  As they say, 'Necessity is the mother of all invention'. Most recently we have been challenged to re-imagine the ways in which we engage with our students regarding issues that matter to them.


One way we continue to seek the voice of our students is through remote SRC meetings.  On Monday, the SRC met to discuss the ways we could seek feedback from students, staff and families about Wellbeing Week.  Through discussion, we decided to survey parents to get their feedback.  The survey was co-constructed during the meeting with students suggesting questions they thought would be the most important to ask. Thank-you to all of the families that have already responded.  It's clear that the parent workshops were a highlight in the week.  If you haven't had the opportunity to complete the survey yet please follow this link

Students contributing to the survey questions
Students contributing to the survey questions

In our meeting we also prepared an approach to feedback for students called 'Two Stars and A Wish'.  The SRC members for each class will be completing this with their class in the coming week, supported by their teacher.  We look forward to sharing the feedback we receive with you in the next Newsletter. 


You may have noted via Seesaw that our School Captains have begun to provide a weekly video updating students and families on what is coming up for the week.  Miss Norton and Mrs Casey have also started a Year 6 leaders Meet where they discuss the various responsibilities that the students have and how their leadership roles can be adapted to Distance Learning. Recently, one key action was the development of the Captains' Corner on the Student Distance Learning Hub site.  In this area, the various leaders are providing content for students across the school to explore including 'How to' videos, interviews and other resources.  Soon, our School Captains Marley and Sally will be interviewing our local member, David Southwick with Mrs Carlei and Miss Norton.  What a fantastic opportunity for Marley and Sally.  


I would like to thank Miss Norton and Mrs Casey for their time and investment in making sure our Year 6 students have great memories of their final year of Primary school, despite the many changes that have occurred.  They are fortunate to have such dedicated and expert teachers working with them. We are looking forward to seeing more from leaders in the future.

National Science Week and Curriculum Update


This week is National Science Week and St Anthony's adaptive and agile educators have been working on developing a unit of work with a focus on the Design and Technologies curriculum which will span the remainder of this term.  This curriculum integrates aspects of science as it explores creating designed solutions to meet personal, local or community needs.  Our students will be exploring this curriculum through engineering principles such as forces and motion.  If there are parents who have a skill set around engineering, mathematics or the sciences who might be interested in engaging with students regarding your area of expertise, please email me or your child's classroom teacher.  May the force be with you.


With best wishes to you all. 


Stay safe,


Peta Overbury

Deputy Principal