From the Principal 


What is the role of families in Catholic School communities?

The three major contexts in which children learn are the family, the school and the community. Families are the first educators of their children. From the moment of welcoming a new life into the family, parents take on the serious responsibility of raising and nurturing their child.  This duty extends to every aspect of the development of the human person.

When the child moves beyond the earliest years, families are joined by a school on their child's journey.  This is when a long -term partnership between home and school begins. In choosing a Catholic school, parents enter into a partnership with school in which there is a shared privilege and responsibility for the child's faith formation, learning and wellbeing.  


At this point in time of COVID-19 the partnership and your parental responsibility has been escalated and this is recognized by the staff.  We would like to acknowledge and reassure you that your time and effort in watching over your child's work has been appreciated.  This is where the true partnership has been deepened by the expertise of the teachers in delivering a program that can be facilitated both at home and at school through distance learning. 

The classroom teachers are all working from home and the level of engagement, live sessions and feedback has increased so that in the combined effort of parents  and school, the partnership continues for the benefit of our students.  Thank you.


Jim Miles, Director of Catholic Education Melbourne, in a statement today acknowledged that 150,000 families are currently working with schools delivering programs to the students from Preps to Year 12 in the Mission of Catholic Education. 


May not be Spam mobile calls

Please be aware that from time to time our teachers may be making calls to you and their caller ID will be turned off.  If you do receive a call and the caller ID is off, it may be your child's teacher.


School Values

At the start of the year our staff unpacked the values that we believe will be embedded, implemented and practiced in our school.  They collectively selected the values that they believed would become part of our school's culture and mission.


Mrs Toni Dent explains the  values on the Education in Faith page.


Preparing for 2021

Next year seems so far away but at the moment work is currently being done in preparation for next year's classes.

If your child is currently in Prep to Year 5 and won't be returning to St Anthony's School I would appreciate if you would please email me at as soon as possible.


Promotional Brochure

The School Promotional  and SAT Teams have created a new promotional brochure for our school.  If you are able to assist in distributing these around the local neighborhood while on your walks,  would you please call the school so that we can organise a distribution list and arrange for you to collect the brochures.

Sincere Regards

Margaret Carlei
