Year 8 Mass 

- The Feast of St James.

Year 8 began the term by celebrating Mass together for the feast of St James, the Greater. Thank you to all students for your participation in the Mass. 

5/6GD and KG Mass

This Friday, 5/6GD and KG will be joining together to celebrate Mass. The Mass will focus on the special occasions this week: Marriage and Family Week and Catholic Schools Week.

Mass will begin at 9:30am. Families and parishioners are invited to attend though need to follow the guidelines associated with attending Mass during these Covid-19 times. 

Marriage and Family Week & Catholic Schools Week

This week has been dedicated to Marriage and Family Week. The theme is 'The Family: Passing on the Faith.' Each student will participate in a lesson learning about how, within families, faith in God can be passed on from older people to young people. You may be asked by your children about the generations of your family, historic ways things are passed down through generations e.g war medals, special things that are passed down through the generations e.g great grandmother’s Christmas Cake recipe, a baptismal/christening gown or a family bible. 

Below is a document published by the Australian Catholic Marriage and Family Council about ways in which families can pass on the faith to their children.

Catholic Schools Week is an annual celebration of Catholic Education. The theme this year is 'Nurture, Grow, Celebrate' and this reminds us that Catholic schools, like Holy Trinity, exist to nurture and spread joy and peace in believing. Catholic Schools Week is a celebration of Catholic education and an opportunity to recognise the importance, the value, and the contributions of Catholic education to the Church and the world.

First Reconciliation & Holy Communion

Year 3 students have begun their preparation for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and Holy Communion. There will NOT be an information evening or an enrolment process due to Covid restrictions. A note will be sent home with further details.



Mrs Noela Turner

Congratulations and happy retirement to Mrs Noela Turner after 45 years of service as Parish secretary for the Sacred Heart Parish. We wish Noela all the very best and thank her years for her years of service, commitment and dedication.

For the Calendar:

Term 3 2020

31 July - 5/6GD & KD Mass at SHC 9:30am

7 August -  3/4D & 1/2S Mass at SHC 9:30am

14 August - Year 7 Mass at SHC 9:15am

20 August - First Reconciliation TBC

21 August - 5/6W & KD at SHC 9:30am

23 August - First Holy Communion TBC

20 September - Confirmation TBC


Enjoy the week and God bless,

Mary-Jane Guest

Religious Education Coordinator