Kharisma Kids - OSHC 

This Week at Kharisma Kids

It’s great to see everyone back at school.  Its exciting to have more children attending the Before and After School Care. 


Our hours are:

Before School Care            6:45am to 8:40am

After School Care               3:20pm to 6:15pm


We are back providing breakfast in the mornings (before 8am) and continue to provide a variety of healthy and delicious food for Afternoon Snack  straight after school finishes.


We will offer Vacation Care during the January holidays if we continue to creep out of lockdown.  We will keep you updated via the newsletter and our website 


Crafty Days

This week we started our craft with the children.  We made a wall caddy, although some little creative minds made them into handbags, document holder and a necklace.


It’s something you can make too at home with a piece of wool, two paper plates, scissors, hole punch and textas.


We made the sample by piercing holes with a needle, but for a safer activity punching holes into the plates made it easier for the children to thread by hand without sharp implements.


Start by cutting one paper plate about ⅓ of the way down. 


Attach the two plates face to face and punch holes through both plates at a time. (we used a staple at either side to hold it into place).


Take a piece of wool, tie to one side then thread the wool through the holes until you reach the other side.  Here we tied off the wool to stop it unfurling.  Tie the end of the wool to the opposite side forming a loop. 


Decorate the plate with whatever design you wish.



Kharisma Kids

0411 295 273

Before School Care / After School Care / Vacation Care