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Year 11 Literature Excursion - 6th March
Earlier this month, our Year 11 Literature class had the privilege of attending the Royal Botanical Gardens to view a rendition of Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’, as part of our second Area of Study, exploring the literary genre of romance. Before the play commenced, the class got to enjoy a combined picnic under the setting early Autumn sun. What we found the most interesting as a class was the Bollywood twist on the classic Shakespearean play, where we got to witness the characters dressed in South Asian attire and dancing to Bollywood music. A few modern-day references, such as quoting lyrics from Taylor Swift’s ‘Love Story’, provided humour and quirkiness to the performance, which was enjoyed by all. The actors are also to be commended for the performances of their characters which they enacted with great energy and enthusiasm. Overall the later chilly evening was worth the experience, especially when we got to witness the climax of the play under the beautiful starry sky. On behalf of the class, we’d like to thank the teachers for organising such an enjoyable and fun outing!
Roshni. P
Year 11 Literature Student
Year 7 Camp - 8th March
Our Year 7 cohort embarked on the much-anticipated camp to Phillip Island, held at the Christian Youth Camp. The Camp encourages students to foster new friendships and build positive relationships with each other and also Killester staff. It is also the beginning of discussions regarding Year 7 student leadership for 2023, which prepares them for the election that is held a fortnight after their return.
Dare to Dream Week -14th March
This past week has been the annual Dare to Dream for our Year 10 Students where they are encouraged to think deeply about their subject and career pathways for the future. Various guest speakers and businesses attended the College throughout the week, including some alumni from the College, the Defence Force, SheForce and Tyson Day from 'Arrive and Thrive' who spoke about personal branding and having your own 'Elevator Pitch' ready to go for possible job or course interviews.
The College was also fortunate to host Yohani and Soyun from GEMS in STEM; a group that aims to inspire students about careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. A number of our students will be participating in a work experience program with this group later in the year.
All students also completed their Morrisby profiling, which is a career-based aptitude test combining information about abilities, interests and personalities to predict possible career paths for them. The data from these reports will be used in subject selection interviews later in the year.
To finish up Dare to Dream Week, our students were treated to a performance by the Police Band. The songs played were upbeat and we all had so much fun learning about the history of the band.
Year 11 Retreat - 15th
Our Year 11 cohort embarked on their Retreat. Staying at The Old Priory in Beechworth, the aim of the Retreat is to give our Year 11 students and teachers a community experience in a relaxed environment in order to foster unity within the cohort based on confidentiality and trust. We thank our staff for organising such a fun-filled experience for our students. These memories will last a lifetime!
Year 12 Retreat - 15th
What a special event this is. In their final year, our Year 12 Students go away to reflect, relax, & most importantly, have tons of fun with their peers! There was lots of talking, laughing, dancing, and selfies in those 3 days.. and that’s exactly what it’s about. Creating long-lasting memories to look back on for years to come! Congratulations to all the Year 12 students and staff who went to the Yr 12 Retreat and made it such a memorable and successful experience. Everyone participated so well in discussions and activities focusing on how we are molded and shaped to be the people God wants us to be.
VCE VM FairShare Excursion - 15th March
Earlier this month, our VCE VM Students volunteered at FareShare. FareShare is an Australian not-for-profit food rescue organisation that operates Australia's largest charity kitchens, located in Melbourne and Brisbane. Our VCE VM Students chopped lamb fillets for 900 serves, assembled 850 roast chicken and vegetable dinners, cut and prepared one pallet of mixed vegetables, and then cleaned and reset the kitchen for the next group of volunteers.
CGSAV Inter-School Swimming - 20th March
On Monday our selected students from Years 7-12 participated in the CGSAV Inter-School Swimming night. We met the students straight after school and headed to MSAC to compete against other division 3 schools including St. Mary's, Harkaway Hills and St Columbus.
The final results were as follows:
Juniors - 2nd
Intermediates - 1st
Seniors - 2nd
Our students were amazing on the night and presented our College beautifully. Overall aggregate score in Division 3 - 1st! 🏆
Please join us in congratulating the tremendous efforts of our students and staff, what a successful night for Killester College.
VCE VM Fairshare Excursion 2nd visit - 21st March
On the 21st of March, the Year 11 VCE VM and VET Cookery students visited Fare Share to cook for the homeless and for a tour of the kitchen facility.
"When I learned that I was going to Fare Share I didn’t want to go because I thought I was going to spend 6 hours cooking nonstop and that didn’t excite me. Although I did do a lot of cooking whilst there, it changed my perspective of other people. I spent about 2-3 hours cutting potatoes and seasoning pumpkins. I had fun with my peers and was really focused on my task. I was encouraged knowing that I was preparing food for people who live in unfortunate circumstances. It changed the way I think and made me realise I’m ungrateful for what I have. I’ve become more grateful for my privilege of living in a comfortable environment and not having to worry about my next meal. This experience has changed me for the better."
Awak. M
VCE VM Student
VCE VM SYN FM Incursion - 23rd March
Earlier this month our class had an incursion recording a podcast with SYN FM. It was a great experience, everyone enjoyed the incursion and had a great time recording a podcast. When we first started, we were learning the basics of the podcast with what to do and what not to do. We then got into groups and planned the podcast, creating segments, coming up with ideas, communicating, learning new things about each other, and relating to each other. Overall, it was a great experience and I believe this is something we all would do again if we had the chance. Jasmine from SYN FM was a great help with giving us ideas, helping us write our segments, and reassuring us.
We would like to thank Jasmine & Ms. Scott for organising such a fun learning experience!
Eden. G
VCE VM Student
Winter School Uniform Fitting - Ongoing
Killester College
Belgravia Apparel is pleased to offer personalized winter uniform fitting appointments at our Dandenong School Uniform Store
Book your fitting via the link below
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to view our range, view store trading hours or shop online.