
Well it has been a fantastic start to the year for our swimming program here at Monash SDS. All students have come to their sessions full of enthusiasm and ready to get in, get wet and have a go. Some of the things we have been working on have been blowing bubbles, safe entry into the pool, floating on our backs, kicking on our backs and front and also some freestyle and backstroke. 


All of our amazing students here at Monash SDS haven’t been afraid to jump in (very safely of course) and give each activity a go whether it be too easy or a little bit challenging. I have often wondered if some our students have gills behind their ears as they are so comfortable in the water.


If the start of the year is anything to go by 2023 will be a blast here at the pool. I can’t wait to see how little champions progress throughout the rest of the year! Go Monash!!!!!!