Principal's Report 


 “Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting” , Joyce Meyer


We have now reached the halfway mark for Term 1 and it has been a very productive and busy term so far.  Preps are now full time and it has been lovely watching them settle into the school routine with such energy and confidence.  


Student Support Group meetings

It has been so lovely to see so many of you onsite as we begin the process of SSG’s. We value your input at this time but please be assured this is not the only opportunity we have to share your child’s journey as co-educators. We hope to provide opportunities throughout the year for learning more about the programs we offer here at Monash to support you to feel part of your child’s learning.


Capital Works

There has been a lot of movement throughout the last few weeks with several trades on site.  Painting and final interior finishes has started which is exciting.  The removal of our relocatable classrooms will begin in May. 


Car Park

I am looking forward to the time when this is not a regular feature in my Principal Report! Thank you again to many of you who continue to be safe when dropping or picking up your children and for your happy, smiling faces when our staff are directing you all. Just a reminder that there is no parking at all onsite at the moment. You must not park your car in our car park to go and collect your child. The only options are to park offsite and walk in or stay in the queue of traffic. If you are in a hurry the best option is to park offsite and walk in to collect your child. If you have an SSG you must park offsite and walk in. 


 Managing Illness at School

Thank you for your continued understanding and managing of unwell children coming to school.  As always at this time of the year there are lots of cough’s, cold and runny noses, if a child is unwell, even with the mildest of symptoms, they must stay at home.  We understand this is not always easy, and that all symptoms are not attributed to COVID or the flu, but in an attempt to keep all our school community safe and well, we need to be vigilant. We do have some very vulnerable children in our school, and we are all trying to be protective of all our students, families and staff.


Staffing Update

Our recruitment process continues to be ongoing but I remain confident that we will be able to employ the right people for our school. I have been interviewing this week and will continue to do so over the next few weeks. I would like to thank the ES staff who have been working in the rooms that have not had permanent staff. I would also like to thank the parents of the students in these rooms for their patience and understanding while we navigate this process. 


We have also employed two new ES staff.  Please join me in welcoming Mel Hade who is in Group 15 and Clarisse Canton who will start in Group 17 soon.


School Council Annual General Meeting

This year’s 2023 School council AGM will be held on the 26th April at 12 noon. All parents are welcome. Please RSVP by Monday 24th April to the school office if you would like to attend.


As always please reach out with any questions or concerns. 


Stay Safe
