House Cross Country

Congratulations Norman on winning our 

2nd WHPS House Cross Country Carnival


That’s two in a row for Norman. 


On Wednesday 5th April all students in Years 3-6 students walked down to Brentwood Reserve to participate in our annual House Cross Country Carnival. The course varied slightly in length and location for each year level. 


Most students completed the course with smiles on their faces and friends encouraging them on. This was a house team carnival, where all students who finished their event received a token for their efforts. Tokens were then put into team jars to add to their house collections. At the end of the day, all tokens were carefully counted, with Norman declared the winner, with Bradman 2nd, then Laver and Fraser.


The first 15 boys and girls from each year level were recorded. These results can be seen below. Those students in Years 4 - 6 now qualify for the morning training sessions held onsite at school in Term 2. Details of these before school training sessions will be provided early next term. This information plus our training sessions will help to select our WESA Cross Country Competition team for 2023.


Thank you to all the parents that helped walk our students down to the reserve, and those who came along to support everyone on the day. There were many students who really surprised themselves, and many siblings who showed incredible combined efforts.


Also thank you to the staff involved, and to our wonderful leadership team for their ongoing support of the PE program at WHPS. Mr Ramsey and Mrs Spicer became lollipop people, keeping WHPS students safe as they crossed View Mount Rd on their way down to the reserve. Ms Richards was the photographer for this event, so keep an eye out for her terrific photos on the office tv screen soon.


We all know it takes a village to raise children…. and what a wonderful village we have at WHPS!


Nicole Purcell & Renee Drury

PE staff