Inadequate Completion of Assessment Task

In the event that a student receives less than 50% on a summative assessment, the following process applies: 

  • The student will be asked to resubmit the task
  • A Compass notification informing of a grade below 50% will be sent by the subject teacher to the student, guardian and year-level manager
  • The student will be provided with the opportunity to re-sit the assessment task within 5 working days during Homework Club or at a time agreed upon by the student and subject teacher
  • Once the resubmission takes place, the student will receive 50% and this will be recorded on Compass
  • If the student does not attend the resubmission a Compass notification will be sent to the student, guardian and level manager informing them that the student has not met the requirements of the assessment and the grade originally received will stand, and appear on the End of Semester Summary Report


Assessment Task Year 10 At Risk of N

  • Year 10 students will need to achieve 50% grade to be awarded a satisfactory completion for an AT. 
  • If the student receives a score that is lower than 50% they will be provided with an “at risk of N” form as outlined on Compass Chronicle Entry. - the form will nominate the redemption time (Tuesday during Homework club)
  • To achieve an S, the student will be given the opportunity to redeem the AT.   The redemption task will default to coursework completion and submission within 5 working days.
  • If the student does not submit the required level of coursework within the agreed time frame, then an N result will be awarded.
  • Following the allocation of the N result a meeting will be scheduled between the student, teacher and relevant student manager/team leader to discuss the next steps required to change the N to an S grade.
  • The End of Semester Report will display the original grade and an S result for the redeemed AT. This does not mean the original grade equals an S but rather that the student has fulfilled the redemption requirements to achieve the S