Student Work

A collection of student work from this week at Staughton College

A quick look at what our staff and students have been up to recently:

Year 7 Music - Posters

The Year 7s have been learning about Elements of Music and how to describe them when listening to Music. They have explored a range of Australian and Indigenous Artists, and analysed the use of Elements of Music.

They were then asked to choose an Australian song and create a poster detailing the use of the Elements of Music in the song. Here are some great examples:

Van Sarum 7B
Edward Reynolds
Mustafa Abueissa
Abeeha Asif
Leliyan Al Artoufi
Niluk Samarasinghe
Tanisha Samreen
Zac Reader 7D
Van Sarum 7B
Edward Reynolds
Mustafa Abueissa
Abeeha Asif
Leliyan Al Artoufi
Niluk Samarasinghe
Tanisha Samreen
Zac Reader 7D

Year 11 Literature

Students have been consolidating their understanding of our current text The Crucible to prepare for essay writing. Students self-selected how they would consolidate their learning and these examples are all graphic organisers or using thinking routines.

These are great examples of High Impact Strategies. Well done!

VCAL Music

The VCAL Music class have been looking at Social, Environmental and/or Cultural issues that are addressed within the music industry.


They were asked to choose one song that addressed an issue they were passionate about and analyse it, and the reasons why the artist chose to bring awareness to that particular issue.


They then were asked to create a music playlist with songs that address the issue they are most passionate about.


Amy Cassar: Female Empowerment

Analysis of Ava Max:

Playlist for Female Empowerment:


Max Nener: Awareness of Homophobia

Analysis of Logic:

Playlist for Raising awareness of Homophobia


Capreece Matenga:

Analysis of MILCK’s song ‘Quiet’

Year 9 Textiles

Students in the Year 9 textiles class were given 3 options for a practical task at home. They had to use materials and equipment they had available to them. Some students repurposed clothes, some knitted accessories and some created completely new products from scratch. Well done on all of your hard work and creativity!

- Mrs Shelley Eckel

Gemma Norton
Gemma Norton
Hayley Ashman- Tidboald
Sierra Xerri
Gemma Norton
Gemma Norton
Hayley Ashman- Tidboald
Sierra Xerri