School News

Chaplain’s Chat 

We all want our children to be kind, resilient, grateful and confident. But how do we get them that way?  The simplest and powerful tip I can give you today is a reminder that our children live up to OUR versions of themselves.


What does it mean?

It means that they respond to and reflect back to us our expectations and our opinions of them.  So, if you have a kind child, you need to make sure you THINK and communicate as if they are kind.  If you want a resilient child, you need to make sure they KNOW you think they are resilient.  You need to treat them as if they are already kind, loving, confident, resilient and grateful. Because they are.


What you can say to them is this:


“I know you’re a child who is kind and loving”;

“I know you’re a child who can do hard things”;

“I know you’re always grateful for the things we give you”.


It’s important that you separate, in your mind, their  behaviours from their true selves.

They are NOT their actions and behaviours. They are kind, loving and GOOD inside. It’s very important for children to know that you SEE this goodness in them and you see their true selves.


Remember, they will reflect back YOUR version of them.


Dorothy Dullege

MPS Chaplain


Just Brass 2020

Just Brass offers children a chance to learn a musical instrument and develop their potential as a leader in their peer group and local community.


As part of the program every student receives an instrument, music and weekly music lessons and the opportunity to play in a band.  Students are transported from partnering school to Salvation Army Centres for weekly band rehearsals.  bands cater for all levels of skill: beginners for those just starting out, junior for those a little down the track and intermediate or youth.


All activities are no, or low cost to ensure there are no barriers.


If you are interested please complete the registration form below or request a paper copy from the office.


Bendigo Bank School Banking


Just a reminder that School Banking is every Thursday.

If you would like an information pack/application form please collect one from the school office.