Assistant Principal 

Community Engagement

Alison Krause

Assistant Principal  | Community Engagement


As the term draws to a close, we encourage families to log onto the Parent Portal to check contact details. It is essential this information is accurate as we rely on this for all correspondence. You are able to make changes to details on the Parent Portal, however, if you are having difficulties doing so, please don’t hesitate to contact the College for assistance.


Please also update the College of any changes to your child’s medical details. Notify the College directly via email at


At enrolment, parents submit an agreement to the College which includes permissions for their student. The consent form is placed on the student’s file and retained by the College and CES. If requested, a copy will be made available to the student and/or parent. In giving consent, the parent acknowledges that the material may continue to be used for a number of years, even once the student has left the College, and that some of the products in which the material is used may have extended longevity.


This consent, may be amended or revoked with written notification of the parent. Please contact the College if you have any questions regarding permissions.


Media and Communication Consent details are available if required:

Media & Communication Consent


I wish our families a wonderful holiday and look forward to seeing students rested and ready for a great term 4.


St Mary's Presentation Evening 2020