Principal's Message

Lenten Prayer

Almighty and Everlasting God,

You have given the human race

Jesus Christ our Savior as a model of humility.

He fulfilled Your Will by becoming Man

And giving His life on the Cross.

Help us to bear witness to You

By following His example of suffering

And make us worthy to share in His Resurrection.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son.


Sacramental Commitment Masses

This weekend the Sacramental Commitment Masses for Penance, Eucharist and Confirmation will be held in the OLA Parish.


Times of the masses are as follows:

- Saturday 9 March: 6.00pm

- Sunday 10 March: 7.30am, 9.30am or 5.00pm


All candidates need to attend one of these masses and hand their commitment form to the OLA staff members that are present. Father Ken will ask the candidates to recite their prayer after the Homily and then hand in their forms before the conclusion of the mass.

Spelling Mastery

After further professional development in the Spelling Mastery program, it has been decided that the Parent Information Session will be postponed until Term 2. This will allow the program to commence and the processes of its implementation to be refined.


To discuss the program with the students, staff are using the language 'moving around for spelling' to describe the way the program will work. All children in Years 1 - 6 will be 'moving around for spelling' not moving up or down.


We will continue to keep you informed of this exciting new program.

After School Procedures

All children are required to wait with their parents and caregivers once they have been collected after school. Students are not permitted to use sporting equipment on the oval or play on the playground areas due to the high traffic during pick up time. We ask that you please remind children to stay with their caregiver as they leave the school grounds.


All children must be collected from school by 3.30pm. If you are going to be collecting your child after this time we ask that you please contact the School Office and advise us that you are running late.

Parent - Teacher Interviews

This term, Parent - Teacher Interviews will be held on the following days:

Week 9

Monday 1 April - KG, 1G and 5M

Tuesday 2 April - KM and PPM

Wednesday 3 April - 3M and 4M

Thursday 4 April - 2M


Week 10

Monday 8 April - 1M, 3G and 4G

Tuesday 9 April - PPG, 5G and 6G

Wednesday 10 April - 6M

Thursday 11 April - 2G


During these meetings, families will receive an interim report of their child's progress. Online booking for the interviews will open closer to the time.

Year 6 Leavers' Shirts

It was with great excitement that our Year Six students received their OLA Leavers' Shirt this week. Another significant milestone in their final year at OLA!

2019 Student Residential Address and Other Information Collection Notice

Please see the attached information regarding data collection at OLA.

Adult Use of Toilets

Adults are requested to please use the toilets located in the Sr Goretti Hall at all times. As part of the OLA Code of Conduct, student toilets are to only be used by students. Thank you for your cooperation with this.

Previous Newsletters

Previous newsletters are available on the OLA website. Although the site is under construction, this feature remains so that parents can access past information and notices.

Kindergarten Enrolments 2020

Placements for the Kindergarten positions will be finalised towards the end of Term 1 and the beginning of Term 2. If you haven't completed the enrolment forms for your child, please do so as soon as possible.

God bless.


Mr Greg Martin
