From the Principal


Student Assessments

Next week students from Year 2-7 will be undertaking online assessments in Reading Comprehension and Maths.

As these are on line tests we are able to access the results immediately.

Class teachers will go through the test results with students and identify strengths and areas for improvement.

Reading comprehension has been a focus in our school for the last 2 years so we are looking forward to looking at the areas of growth for our students.


In week 7 our Year 1 students will be undertaking a phonics assessment. This assessment measures their ability to recognise letters and sounds and to blend them together to make words.

Our JP classes have had a strong focus on phonics learning this year – so we are looking forward to seeing how much our young students have learnt.


Students in year 4-7 will be undertaking an on line Wellbeing Survey later this term. This survey gathers information about how our students are feeling about life both at home and at school, if there is anything worrying them, how their friendships are going and relationships with teachers at school.

Each year we analyse our data (it is all anonymous) and make decisions about what proactive programs we can put in place at school.

Some programs we have put in place include:

·         What’s the Buzz

·         Girls Group

·         Bounce Back


Colour Run

You will have received notes about our colour run.

Unfortunately due to the current COVID-19 restrictions we are unable to invite parents, carers or friends to join us.

We will post all our photos in our newsletter for you to see.

Apologies for any disappointment.


Thank you for your cooperation in this.


Kind Regards,
