Message from the Principal

Welcome to Week 3 Term 3

Welcome  to our newsletter for Week 3.

In the next few weeks we have many different opportunities for Community participation which I encourage you to be part of.


I am very excited to say that we have been fortunate to have been allocated a spot in the popular Bunnings Sausage sizzle! Please put Sunday 25th August in your diary to come and visit us at Bunnings Oakleigh- 1041 Centre Rd.  

If you have good skills on the barbecue and /or like chatting to people about our wonderful school then you might like to help us on the day. We know Sundays are quality family time, but would value any help! If you are unable to help us on the day, we will need help in the days leading up to the event, with the preparation of onions etc. 

If you are available to help at any stage between 8:30am and 4:30pm on the Sunday or in the days leading up to the event, please let myself or Miss K know.  This is a fantastic opportunity to raise money for the school. If you would like to add to our wish list of ideas of what to spend the money on, again let us know.


We would also really appreciate some parent help to wrap the gifts for our upcoming Father's Day stall. If you are willing and able to help out, we will have an area set up every Thursday morning from 9am for approximately an hour until we have completed the gift wrapping process.

We will commence this as a weekly routine from Thursday 8th August, until the stall which will be held on Wednesday 28th August. Thank you in advance!


On Sunday 18th August, we invite students and families in F/1C and F/1S to parish mass at 9:30am, followed by morning tea in the Parish centre. We ask any families attending to bring a plate of food to share as part of morning tea. This is a wonderful opportunity to build a closer relationship with our parish.


Our Cyber Safety Evening is next Thursday. Thank you to all those parents who have indicated they will be attending this very valuable opportunity. If you have not replied to the Caremonkey form we have sent out, it is not too late. I look forward to seeing a member of every family next Thursday!

I hope to see you at one, or all, of these fantastic events that provide so many opportunities for us as a community.

Have a good week.

Sharon Daujat


Planning for 2020

As scary as it sounds, we are already beginning to plan for 2020. Please let us know if you have any future plans that mean moving away from St Peter's, such as building or buying a house in another area.  Also, if you have pre schoolers who turn 5 years old before 30 April 2020 and you would like them to commence school next year, please ensure you complete an enrolment form as soon as possible. These are available to download from our website or to pick up from Bec or Margaret in the office.