Religion and Parish News

Prayer for the Extraordinary Mission Month

Heavenly Father,

when your only begotten Son Jesus Christ

rose from the dead,

he commissioned his followers

to ‘go and make disciples of all nations’

and you remind us that through our Baptism

we are made sharers in the mission of the Church.

Empower us by the gifts of the Holy Spirit

to be courageous and zealous

in bearing witness to the Gospel,

so that the mission entrusted to the Church,

which is still very far from completion,

may find new and efficacious expressions

that bring life and light to the world.

Help us make it possible for all peoples

to experience the saving love

and mercy of Jesus Christ,

who lives and reigns with you

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, for ever and ever.


Extraordinary Mission Month

This month, Pope Francis has called for an Extraordinary Missionary Month, which will be a worldwide occasion of prayer, sharing stories of mission, formation and charity.

During Extraordinary Mission Month this year, students across Australia are encouraged to learn about how the Church in Ghana is taking a lead in providing life-saving care to children with disabilities and fostering their personal development for a brighter future. Staff and students at St Xavier’s will have a chance to do something extraordinary for mission, learn about Ghana and the work of the Church there, and contribute through their fundraising, advocacy and prayers, particularly during Week 3 this term which is when Mission Week will be recognised at school.

RE Key Dates Term 4

Friday 25 October - Public Rosary in St Joseph’s Church for Years 4 and 5 at 12.00 pm.

Week 3 - Whole School Mission Week

Sunday 3 November (end of Week 3) - Confirmation Mass in St Joseph’s Church at 9.00 am.

Thursday 21 November - Primary Mass in St Joseph’s Church at 9:30 am.

Thursday 28 November - Infants Liturgy in St Joseph’s Church at 12.00 pm.

Tuesday 3 December - End of Year Mass in St Joseph’s Church at 9:30 am (Feast of St Francis Xavier)

Thursday 12 December - Year 6 Graduation Mass in St Joseph’s Church at 5:30 pm, followed by Year 6 Farewell at St Xavier’s Hall at 7.00 pm.

Important Sacrament Dates 2019

Confirmation (Year 6) - Sunday 3rd November

  • Reconciliation for Confirmation Candidates: Wednesday 30 October (Week 3, Term 4), 5:30 pm
  • Confirmation Retreat Day: Friday 1 November (Week 3, Term 4), 9.00 am
  • Sacrament of Confirmation: Sunday 3 November (end of Week 3), 9.00 am