Clean Up Australia Day

Clean Up Australia Day for Schools – March 1st 2019

On Friday last week, a group of students from Lalor Secondary College participated in the annual Australia-wide initiative, ‘Clean Up Australia Day’. We had 13 students across years 9 and 10 that helped clean up around Lalor Secondary College campus during periods 1 to 4. Our hardworking volunteers were then rewarded for their efforts with a pizza lunch




A huge thank you goes out to our hard working volunteers: Anna LE, Emily VUN, Keira BOWMAN BARTOLOME, Khan HUYNH, Tom ABBOTT, Joyce TRINH, Diem Mi TRAN, Jenny PHAM, Redha AL-AUBERA, Kathy NGUYEN, Megan NGUYEN, Rob GARCIA and Ahmad MAQSODI


Your efforts in being part of the (environmental) solution have bought pride to your school, your community and yourselves. Stay Green!

Ms Domm

Science Teacher