Middle School News

Dear Families,


It's great to be back and we look forward to sharing all the amazing happenings in the Middle School throughout the year. 

Grade 3's 

We have had a very busy first week in grade 3 getting to know our wonderful students, but most importantly getting straight into our learning. The grade 3 students have blown us away with their ability to use descriptive language in their writing.  


In Grade 3 we jumped straight into The Writing Revolution (TWR) learning about converting fragments into sentences. Our students did an amazing job adding adjectives into their writing to hook their readers in. 


 In Maths, we collected lots of different data and created bar graphs. We looked at the importance of creating bar graphs and how we can read different types of data in different ways. Students have had lots of fun playing maths games where our students have shown off their mental maths skills. 

We look forward to a fun year ahead! 

Grade 3's first week 

Specialist Timetable 

Please make sure your child is wearing their sports uniform on P.E days and their correct school uniform on every other day (this includes wearing hats in Term 1 and Term 4). Grade 4's are allowed to wear their P.E uniform on Thursday for Class Sport. 

Our 3 newest and fabulous members of 4C, designed the poster for their classes MOTTO. It's great to have you join our Scared Heart family, Cassandra, Grace and Maddison

Grade 4's 

Welcome back to school! We have had such an amazing week, seeing our friends, being creative and making our classrooms a happy and fun place to learn. We have lots of new programs we are implementing this year at Sacred Heart, which the children are eager and excited to start.


During our first week of school, we have been focussing on our wellbeing, creating our ‘Ready to Learn' plans, looking at all of the different emotions we are feeling when we are ready to learn and different emotions we feel when we are not ready to learn. 


In Maths, we have focussed on Data Representation, gathering all different types of data, such as our favourite music genre, birthdays and our favourite football teams. We collated this data into bar, picture and pie graphs. Students also looked at the significance of a different graphs and how they help the readers recognise the patterns in the data.  

Grade 4's first week 

Matilda Tench 

Middle Leader

Teacher contact details

Alice Healey      ahealey@shsandringham.catholic.edu.au

Meg Tucker       mtucker@shsandringham.catholic.edu.au

Matilda Tench  mtench@shsandringham.catholic.edu.au

Joanne Collins  jcollins@shsandringham.catholic.edu.au