Junior School News 

Prep 1 & 2

Dear Families, 


What a fantastic first week back! Congratulations to our Junior School students for a wonderful start to the school year.

Above is our Specialist timetable for the year. Sports uniform to be worn on PE days. A reminder that Term 1 and Term 4 are Sun Smart Terms - 'No Hat No Play'. Please make sure all  your child's belongings are labelled clearly. 

Prep News

We are so proud of our beautiful Prep's on their transition to school this week. We've been having lots of fun playing with our friends and getting to know each other.


We have also been practising classroom routines and rules such as 'whole body listening' and putting our  hand up to speak.



We began our phonics program learning the sound 'm' for mouse and have also started learning about patterns in Maths. Check out some of our amazing work! 


Quite arguably the most important part of starting school this week was meeting our Year 5 buddies! We can't wait to have lots of fun together this year. Our Prep's are so lucky to have this wonderful bunch of role models to help them settle into school life.

Prep House Colours

Year One News 

Our fabulous Year One's have settled into their new classroom and are ready for the new experiences Year One will bring. 


We love being back with our friends; learning, playing and having fun together! 

This week we got straight into our familiar routine of MSL sound pack and Heggerty each morning. Students have been revising 'short vowel' sounds and common digraphs (e.g. 'ch', 'sh' and 'ng'). 


In Maths, we have been looking at Statistics. Students asked questions to gather information and used tally marks to record findings. As a class we worked together to create a graph to represent this data. Take a look at our eye colour pictograph. 

Year Two News

Our exceptional Year Two's are right back into the swing of  learning and setting a great example for the rest of the Junior School. 

In our classes, we've worked together to establish a positive growth mindset for the year ahead and made a class 'promise' which will ensure that we continue to kick goals this year. 


Similar to the Year One's, we wasted no time this week returning to our predictable morning routine of  Heggerty and MSL for the first hour of our day.  Student's have been revising  common digraphs and blends (e.g. 'bl', 'sc' and 'dr'). 


Also exploring Statistics in Maths, we focused on interpreting data and answering questions using a range of graphs.

Our Class Is A Family

 "Family isn't always your relatives. It's the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile, and who love you no matter what." 


All our Junior Teacher's will agree that this book is a must when looking to build and strengthen a class community. It just so happens that it's message aligns perfectly to our Topic unit for this term 'Community Health'.  It was so great to see our Year One's and Two's establishing positive, respectful relationships with friendship flowers and Venn Diagrams, celebrating our differences and similarities. Absolutely awesome work. Well done to all our students! 


Bronagh Moloney

Junior Leader






