Student Learning 


Reading: The students have been focusing on the 'l' and 'r' blends.

Writing: Wow!!! We are incredibly proud of the persuasive writing the students published this week. They have all worked really hard to draft, edit, revise, type and draw a picture in match their writing. To help celebrate their work, each student got up in front of the class and read their persuasive piece to their classmates. Aiden, Orianna and Navaija were very brave and did a fantastic job reading theirs at assembly. Well done Foundation!

Maths: The students have been busy comparing lengths. Firstly, they estimated the length of different objects around the classroom, then using unifix cubes they measured and compared them. The students have also loved working on their subtraction and addition using colour by number worksheets. 

Sport: Another highlight has been going to the Cobram Pool . It has been great to see everybody swimming and having so much fun in the water. The students have also tried their hand at playing lawn bowls.


Year 1/2

1/2 students working hard on writing and typing their stories.


The 1/2 students have been participating happily in the swimming program. It is been wonderful to watch how far the students have come with their swimming abilities during the swimming program!


Art: The 1/2 students enjoyed adding a palm tree to their painting. They learnt how to add texture to the palm tree by using a fork and scratching in patterns.

Art: 1/2 students painted, printed, cut and pasted to create some Santa faces. They also added lots of Christmas glitter to make them sparkle!

Year 3/4

The 3/4s have reached the end of this terms Mappen project, with students enjoying and sharing the animations that they have been creating over the term. We may have some future animators in the cohort! 


Art: The 3/4 students made Picasso inspired Christmas trees. They investigated warm/cool colours and how to make the tree contrast with the background.


Year 5/6

56 students enjoyed sharing and offering some suggestions on how to improve their Dreamtime Stories.

Swimming: Students have been practicing their swimming skills and have shown a huge improvement over the duration of the swimming program!