Catholic Identity


Last Friday, St. Mary’s celebrated the beginning of Advent with a Liturgy, led beautifully by our foundation students. Also lighting the first lilac Advent candle on our advent wreath. On Sunday at Mass, we began the new Liturgical Year of A. This means most of the Scripture Readings will now focus on the Gospel according to Matthew and no longer the Gospel of Luke. On each Sunday that follows, another violet candle will be lit. On the third week a rose coloured candle is used to symbolise joy.


Advent means ‘coming’ or ‘arrival’. It’s a time of preparation, prayer and service. As a faith community we look forward to Christmas and spend four weeks eparing to celebrate the birth of Jesus. We prepare not only for Christmas but our hearts too.


The seasons and colours differ greatly from Lent. Advent is a celebratory light lilac and magenta. Whereas Lent is more somber and a symbolic deeper, darker purple.


If we purposefully prepare our hearts with prayer, service and good works. If we listen & pay attention we will find that we can walk in the light of God’s love.



Emmanuel, God is with us,


Help us to stay awake to God’s presence in and around us each day. As we wait, help us try to live in our world as Jesus taught us.


Let your blessings come upon us as we wait for your light. Send your peace to our school community and may your love fill our hearts.


Help us to look for ways to be of Hope, Peace and Joy for others. 


We ask this through Christ, who enlightens us and encourages us always,




Year Six Graduation Liturgy

On Friday, 9th December we will gather as a school community to farewell our graduating year six students. Liturgy will begin at 12pm.


End of Year Whole School Mass

Please join us at 9:30am on Tuesday 13th December in the Brigidine Centre as we celebrate the unique and inspiring year we have had at St Mary’s. All are welcome.

A Christmas Star


From the Parish…

Parish BBQ & Mass

Sunday the 11th of December @ 10:30 One Mass only over the weekend. Christmas artwork from our St. Mary’s students presented and sung!