Linda Castle
Japanese Teacher
LOTE Corner
Our Japanese learners finished the year with a great experience, meeting online with students from one of our sister schools, Toyo Junior High School.
During our Activities Week, a group of our students from Years 7 through 11, stayed after school on Wednesday 8 December, and connected to the Year 9 students from Toyo JHS through common interests and shared loves. Everyone had a fantastic time, taking turns exchanging ideas and opinions. We are all looking forward to continuing the online exchanges in the future. Thanks to the staff from Toyo JHS, who helped make this possible during this very busy time of year.
Student feedback was very positive on both sides. “I definitely want to do this again.” “I can’t wait to go to Japan.” “The reactions from Australia were interesting.” “It was really fun” “That I could talk to (people) with the English that I have learnt up until now was fantastic.”
2023 Model UN General Assembly Conference
Our school has been invited, in collaboration with our Sister Schools in Izumiotsu, Osaka, Japan, to participate in a unique opportunity with the United Nations Association of Australia (Victoria Division) (UNAAV). We are going to run a mock UN General Assembly Conference Day at NGSC in February 2023, with our Sister School students joining us virtually.
Students will work in small groups and act as representatives of an assigned UN member country. These delegates step into the shoes of UN ambassadors from countries around the world and discuss contentious global issues – with the aim being to find the best possible solution through dialogue, negotiation and multilateral diplomacy. Students undertake their research guided by UNAAV information packs, and create position statements. A week before the virtual event delegates view the position statement speeches (prerecorded) and delegates can collate information about questions or comments they wish to direct to other countries on the day. Interactive caucus (discussion) and amendment sessions occur on the day, moderated by an experienced acting Secretary General. Through this program, students will develop skills in advocacy, collaboration, critical thinking and global citizenship. It is a fantastic opportunity and we are really looking forward to this event. We are planning for the program to run in February 2023 and it is open to any enrolled student at NGSC.
Any students interested in participating are invited to join the Google Classroom for the program with the code: btmxk7i
Further information is available from Ms Castle (Staff room 4, C corridor).