Rebecca Durran
Senior Sub School Manager
Year 12 results
As a school community we are so proud of you. You have all achieved your Senior Certificates in challenging times and have shown immense resilience to pursue your goals. Many of you are working, have apprenticeships/traineeships or are pursuing further studies. VCAA results do not define you. Any student, VCE or VCAL, who requires extra support/guidance in planning your next step, please contact the school’s Careers Team.
We would like to offer congratulations to the following students for the huge effort they put into their studies and the incredible ATARs they achieved:
Top scorer (ATAR of 97.2): Tanveer Singh
ATAR above 90: Ivan Cvrljevic, Abby D’Andria, Aimee Wookey, Jack Warelow, Darcy Szakiel
ATAR above 86: Martin Salazar, Duong (John) Tran, Sam Warelow, Lauren Walder
Year 11 Award Recipients
Service Awards:
Benjamin Day, Luke Cazaly, Bailey Griffin, Emily Heitmann, Mackenzie Martin, Jett Peart, Faith Qoon, James Smith, Alana Stretton, Natasha Tabe.
Strive Awards:
- Omid Bahaduri
- Emily Heitmann
- Haisong Qi
- Alana Stretton
- Corey Thomson
Achieve Awards:
- Ashanti Artz,
- Matthew Busch
- Jonathon Eather
- Clancy Freeman
- Mason Lee
- Alana Stretton
- Corey Thomson
VCE Excellence Award:
- Haison Qi
VCAL Excellence Awards:
- Bo Reh
- Violet Russell
Year 12 Camp 2023
Year 12 Camp will run Wednesday 1st of February to Friday 3rd of February at Federation University in Ballarat. The focus of the camp will be to set up goals, build study skills and have a University and Tafe experience, whilst building positive relationships with staff and students. All students need to make sure their medical forms have been emailed back to Mrs Durran prior to camp departure.
The Senior Sub School would like to wish all senior students a safe and happy holiday break. We hope you can spend some time with family and friends to rest and we cannot wait to see you on Monday 30 January 2023 to begin the new academic year.