I would like to welcome the new and returning families to St Anthony’s Clovelly. It is always a moment of refresh to have our staff and students walk back through the school gates ready for new beginnings - embracing new classes, new timetables, new students, friends and staff. I am looking forward to working in partnership with you to care and educate your child/ren.
I’m so happy to be back at work teaching Year 4. So far I have had a productive time visiting other classes, talking to the children about the summer holidays. I really can’t believe how much the children have grown over the break!
As a staff we have talked about the Schoolwide Positive Behaviours for Learning (SPBL) and the focus areas for the term. The class teachers will go through the positive expectations with you in further detail at the Parent Information Evening which will be held on Wednesday 8 February. I'm looking forward to seeing you all at school.
2023 School Leadership Team
2023 - Specialist Days
Assembly - Friday 2:50pm on the Possum Playground (weather permitting)
Sport Days - Monday & Friday - Miss Buxton
Library - Tuesday - Mrs Temple
Visual Art - Tuesday - Mrs Traylen
Amadeus (Yrs 3-6) - Wednesday - Specialist Tutors
Music - Thursday & Friday Mornings - Mrs McInness
Spanish - Thursday
Parent/Carer Information Carline Pickup Procedures and Etiquette
1. The safety of all the children is of prime importance. Parentsare requested to adhere to the following regulations for cardrop off and pick up. (These are RTA and Local Governmentregulations). Rangers regularly patrol the area and will issuefines to offending drivers.
2. All car pick up students to come out the Arden Street gates at 3:10 pm, at the ‘kiss and go’ area. Students are to wait with their siblings against the wall on the footpath.
3. Parents must clearly display the family surname on the front seat passenger visor so as to make the carline flow.
4. Ensure you are parked correctly in alignment with the footpath, not with the back of the car protruding onto the street.
5. All children are to enter their car through the kerb side door only and are not to access the boot to put in any bags.
6. Teachers assist to put the children in the cars in the afternoon.
7. Parents/Carers are not to get out of their car.
8. During 8.00 – 9.30am and 2.30 – 4.00pm this is a NO PARKING area. Only a 2 minute limit. Children may be dropped off or picked up. We ask that you drop your child/ren off and leave as soon as they are out of the car. Drivers are asked to move on once they have completed their pickup.
9. The traffic should flow freely. Drivers are asked to move to the front of the line and the children are to get into the first three cars for pickup, and then the car moves on.
10. If no spots are available you will need to drive around the block until a spot becomes vacant. Drivers are asked to move their car forward. We ask that no driver reverse park into the pick up zone as this is extremely dangerous for all concerned.
11. No parking across the Church driveway/carpark, no parking across Everlearn Preschool driveway/carpark.
Targeting Homework
The Targeting Homework activity books provide Maths and English revision of the Australian Curriculum for Years 1- 6. Each book contains 32 weekly units with activities in: Grammar & Punctuation, Phonic Knowledge & Spelling, Comprehension & Reading, Number & Algebra, Statistics & Probability, Measurement & Geometry and Problem solving. Each book also features: Traffic Light marking system, Term Reviews, Reading Review segment and answers for all activities.
Schoolwide Positive Behaviours for Learning (SPBL)
What is SPBL? School-wide positive behaviour support is an evidence-based framework preventing and responding to student behaviour. It aims to create a positive school climate, a culture of student competence and an open, responsive management system for all school community members.
At St Anthony’s we have three key expectations. This is a common language we have between teachers and children.
Be Safe
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Here is an example of some of our outside behaviour expections that we are focusing on in Term 1: