Secondary 7/8

Can’t believe we are almost done with 2022. It has been a wonderful journey exploring and learning together with the students. There are lots of highlights from the nerve-racking performance on the stage to in-depth conversations with community helpers and filming of our news reports. I am so proud to see the confidence and resilience growing in all students and the beautiful friendship developed in the class. Remember we are all special and we always try to be the best we can be! Best wishes to your new adventure in 2023 and have a splendid summer holiday!
What a wonderful year it has been in Secondary 7/8B, it is hard to believe it is all coming to an end and another year is over. In the final term for the 2022 school year, students have been involved in a range of exciting, engaging and inspiring experiences that have supported and extended their knowledge in a range of learning areas. While learning about natural disasters, students had the opportunity to visit the RSPCA Education Centre, CERES, ACMI, Dreamcity, Scienceworks and IMAX, just to name a few. Students have enjoyed the social aspect of school by participating in a range of school events such as, the Colour run, the Challenge program, section games, Luna Park and more recently the Concord Community Concert.
Students have worked together this term to create a news report or a poster for their final discovery project, they demonstrated persistence, resilience and teamwork as they consolidated all their learning into one final project.
All students in 7/8B should be proud of their efforts this term, they have continued to create positive relationships with their peers both in the classroom and across the section, while always demonstrating the Concord School Expectations of Be a Learner, Be Safe, Respectful and Responsible. It has been a pleasure to teach all the students in 7/8B. I wish them all the best and hope in the future they look back on this year with fond memories and happiness.
Secoandary 7/8C have had a fantastic year! When I look back to Term 1 I remember some nervous Year 7s beginning their first year of Secondary School, some welcoming Year 8s; eager to show them the ropes and lots of growing together as a class to be done. Now I see a class with lots of mutual respect, friendships and happy memories. This term they continued to learn all about Natural Disasters by engaging in lessons and visiting places including the RSPCA Education Centre, ACMI, DreamCity, Scienceworks, CERES and proudly brought all their learning together with a final project where they made a news report or poster. We’ve also strengthened our peer connections with section-activities including the Colour Run, Challenge Fridays, staff vs students games and our end of year visit to Luna Park.
It has been so rewarding to work with each student towards their goals and support them to be the best they can be. I look forward to seeing how each 7/8C student continues to thrive in the future.
What makes a good ending? We pondered this question during a narrative writing session. “They all lived happily ever after.” “A lesson was taught.” “They became friends.” These were all great suggestions of ways to end a story. Secondary 7/8D has a few more moments together before our chapter ends. What will our ending be?Will we have our happily ever after? We sincerely hope so, but as we learned from our Social Competencies lessons and the Circle of Concern – we are in control of what we do, feel and say. So, ‘happily ever after’ is up to each one of us. We always hope you choose happiness and kindness.
Have lessons been taught? Absolutely! We have learned the importance of staying safe during a natural disaster. Our class even made a video report about natural disasters. We have learned life lessons along the way like the importance of being kind and patient with each other. Kindness Day was a success as everyone looked for ways to show kindness. We’ve also learned to navigate the Zones of Regulation.
What about new friendships? Secondary 7/8D have been the most supportive class. They have celebrated together, shared ‘Get Well Soon’ and ‘Thank You’ messages and found creative ways to include each other. Often, on excursions, we would spot a student doing a headcount to make sure no one was lost. When games were played in Challenge and in the classroom, the banter was light and the cheers were loud.
Our ending will be bittersweet. It’s exciting to think of the new adventures that will come and the new friendships that will be made in 2023. It’s sad though to think that these are the last moments we will have as Secondary 7/8D. It has been a privilege to be a part of your lives! Parents, thank you for entrusting us to work with your child. Our students, thank you for all of the wonderful moments. You’re all incredible.
Secondary 7/8E have had an amazing term 4 and an incredible year of learning and social activities. We have been curious and engaged with the Inquiry Unit; investigated many Natural Disasters through reading, writing, technology and hands on experiments. We made volcanoes that exploded, jelly cities that collapsed when they experienced an earthquakes and tornadoes in a bottle. We told oral stories and wrote entertaining stories using many adverbs and adjectives to make them interesting.
We nailed Fractions and Money in maths and the Preston Market excursion was superb. The excursion to Luna Park was fabulous because it was heaps of fun to go on rides with all our friends. We are looking forward to; going to Candyland, having a BBQ with 7/8H, our Class Party and the section Disco organised by Aleshia and Olena. We will miss our year 8 friends when they move on next year but know that we will all make new friendships in 2023. A big thankyou to our Educational Support trainee, Ruth, we really loved having you work with us and support our learning. Have a fabulous holiday!
It is incredible to look back on the year, the things we have done, and how quickly times have passed. The students moving into years 9 and 10 are ready to make the leap into a new section and the next phase of their education. The year 7 students are comfortable in their surroundings and can now take on the leadership role for the incoming Upper Primary students.
We have learnt an incredible amount, from Natural Disasters to Sounds Write and studied excellent literature such as ‘No Ordinary Day, to ‘Fire and Flood,’ and ‘The Little Refugee.’ We have moved across the World in our Inquiry Unit to Italy, America, Torres Strait Islands and Lebanon, to name a few in our Unit ‘What is Culture.’ We became fit with our daily interval training and games of Sharks and Minnows. We have travelled into the CBD to the IMAX Theatre, Coopers Settlement to revisit our past, camp to the Summit and Campaspe Downs to challenge ourselves and build new friendships, Preston Markets to explore money, and Luna Park to have some fun and celebrate the end of the year.
We look forward to the year ahead and the challenges and learning experiences it brings after a super year in 2022.
At the start of the year, we created a time capsule in the aim of inspiring students to think about their aspirations for the year and consider how their existing skills and strengths link to their future goals. Students were empowered and set bold aspirations for the year, and I can confidently say they have achieved them. Their success in achieving their goals can be attributed to their hard work and determination throughout the year.
It’s been a fun-filled term with many highlights. I am proud to say that Secondary 7/8G hosted a very successful event, the Colour Run. They worked diligently to make the day fun for all. This project allowed them to apply and further develop a range of mathematical concepts and numeracy skills. Students thoroughly enjoyed STEAM activities this semester, which provided them with rich opportunities to engage in hands-on, experiential learning. This involved several contextual challenges related to our inquiry topic of natural disasters, such as creating flood Resistant barriers, and earthquake-resistant structures.
Students approached these activities with curiosity which allowed them to ask thoughtful questions, discover answers, apply what they had learned, and problem-solve creatively.
7/8G has built a strong classroom community, filled with authentic connections who are willing to help and support each other. For that, I express my gratitude by saying thank you:
To 7/8G students, who have worked hard this year and are to be commended for their efforts, socially and academically. It has been a real pleasure to teach a class full of high energy, enthusiasm, and passion. Thank you for all the joyous memories and laughs along the way. I’m so glad I was given the opportunity to get to know each of you and you will always have a special place in my heart. I wish you all every success in the future.
To parents, thank you for your ongoing support and collaboration throughout the year.
To Jasmine (aide), I hope it goes without saying that I truly appreciate your help and support throughout the year. 7/8G has been lucky to have you.
We have rounded off a busy year with a busy Term 4 in 7/8H. Starting with an excursion to Preston Market with 7/8E, the students demonstrated road safety, independence in using money and helped each other navigate the busy location. The students had a lot of fun at the Colour Run, hosted by 7/8G, which was a great opportunity for the whole section to get together. 7/8H prepared a scavenger hunt for the other 7/8 students, thinking of 10 clues to guide everyone around school locations. We experimented with claymation with a visit from Toon World and built earthquake-proof structures to stay standing on a foundation of jelly. The students engaged with phonics during the Sounds Write Program, which we took outside to incorporate movement in our learning. Monopoly proved a popular game as we explored money in Maths. We finished the year exploring the festively decorated Mile Room in the Discovery Centre.
Occupational Therapist: Nathalie Leane
Another fun and exciting term for the 7/8 Section. Students enjoyed engaging in different exercises to develop their body awareness and opportunities to work on their social and emotional skills. It has been lovely joining the PreCAL students on their experience days this term.
Speech Therapist: Leia Leventis
It has been another wonderful year working with the 7/8 students. A highlight was ending the year with our celebration at Luna Park. It was awesome to see the students describe their favourite rides and how each ride made them feel.