From the classroom

News from 5/6 Unit

Hello families, 


It was lovely to see so many families at carols last week. The students had a fantastic time as did the staff and parents! It has been such a wonderful and busy year and we appreciate all the support you have shown over the past twelve months.


We are all looking forward to the 5/6 Fun Day, this Friday! Students need to wear their school uniform on this day. We will be enjoying pizza for lunch, however students are welcome to bring their own lunch if they prefer.


We have really enjoyed teaching the 5/6 unit this year. It has been full of laughter, kindness and friendship. The students have worked so well together in a cohesive and collaborative group.  It has been an absolute privilege to have taught your children and we wish them the best for next year and for the future!


Have a wonderful and safe Christmas,


Pippa and Sheena.



What’s Happening in 3/4 unit

What an exciting time of the year! The students are buzzing with the Christmas Carols, unit Christmas party and the Step Up day. We have much to celebrate with a wonderful year of teaching in the classroom, two camps and lots of fun experiences across the unit.


This week we are completing our Showtime inquiry unit with students presenting their puppet shows and introducing their wonderful puppet creations to their class. The students have really impressed us with their ability to collaboratively write an engaging script, design and construct puppets, write a procedural text on how to make their puppet, create back drops and props and finally present their script. Most of this work will be presented in their portfolios for you to celebrate.


Over the coming week students will be completing Christmas challenge work in small groups where they are able to choose tasks to complete. The tasks include applying their literacy skills, mathematics and performing arts and cater for different learning styles. Designing a persuasive poster for a Christmas Carols night, working out from the clues who in the class wins the pass the parcel, turning a Christmas carol into a rap and performing it to the class, making a class decoration from the materials supplied are just a few of the activities.


We would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your children for all the support, positive communication, ideas and enthusiasm that has been shared with us during the year.  We wish you all a wonderful Christmas, fun filled holiday and look forward to seeing and sharing 2023 with you.


Kind Regards,

The 34 team.


The Adventures of the 1/2

With the festive vibe, 1/2s continue to enjoy learning both in and out of the classroom.

Christmas Carols was a huge success and thanks to all those who were part of it. 1/2s spent weeks practicing the songs and movements. Hard work pays off. We were so proud of their confidence on the stage and they performed in such a coordinated manner.


Our last buddy meeting for this year was held over a lovely picnic. Buddies shared with each other their Christmas plans and what they would like to get from Santa this Christmas. Little buddies said a big thank you to the big buddies for their love, care and support throughout the year. 

Fancy a job at the North Pole, helping out in the Toy Workshop, Present Wrapping, Reindeer Handling or Sleigh Maintenance Department? We have written a super persuasive letter to Santa, applying for a job at his workshop. With our experience and life skills, we reckon we are the best candidates for those positions. Inspired by the book When Santa Turns Green,1/2s have decided to have a green Christmas and do their bit for our environment. Guess what was the popular math activity this week? It was the Christmas Addition and Subtraction Crackers when we had a really good laugh. 


Stepping up can be a big challenge to 1/2s and meanwhile a milestone in their school life. Everybody was happy to see their old friend(s) in their new class and many have already made new friends. There is no doubt that next year will be full of adventures and opportunities. We wish 1/2s all the best. 


A big shout-out to the families who prepared delicious food for our Christmas party. It was a good time for 1/2s to celebrate what they have achieved this year. We have worked hard and we all deserve a big pat on our shoulder. 


We appreciate the understanding and support from all 1/2 families.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 


Kind regards

The 1/2 team



Fantastic Foundation

We have had an amazing week celebrating the end of our very first year of school and "stepping up" to grade 1 on Tuesday was certainly a highlight for everyone. It certainly brought up some new emotions as we headed into our new classrooms, met our new teachers and adjusted to being in a class without all our prep friends. But everyone met this challenge with great bravery and resilience, and it was so lovely to hear about their day, new friendships and excitement to be in grade 1.


We had a great time catching up with our buddies one last time, and we look forward to seeing them again next year. A HUGE thank you to all the grade 5 buddies who have played such an important role for the preps, especially at the beginning of the year - your kindness, friendship and support was invaluable.


A big thank you to all families who shared something delicious for our class party on Wednesday - we had a great day making our own reindeer headbands, going on a gingerbread hunt and of course, watching a fun Christmas movie!


In these last few days, we would like to collect the students "take-home packet" ready to be handed over to their 2023 teacher - if families could make sure these are found and sent into the classroom that would be greatly appreciated.... and any library books are due back too!


It has been an absolute pleasure teaching this wonderful class - so many times throughout every week both Jane and I catch ourselves just watching and admiring what a lovely little group of preps we have. They are so kind, supportive, brave and always include each other. They solve problems, have creative ideas and look after each other when needed. Thank you to all the families for your support throughout the year and I wish everyone a happy holiday and all the very best for 2023!




Art Room

Thank you for another wonderfully creative year in the Art Room together. Don't forget to take art smocks home (and give them a wash if they are cloth ones), ready to return for 2023. You may also need to check that they still fit!


Merry Christmas to you all!


Jenelle Seregin