Students of the Week

The following students will receive their certificates at assemblies on the following dates:

Friday  16th December

Atticus (Foundation) - For following our classroom agreements and showing everyone how kind and thoughtful you are. Atticus we are so proud of you and it is lovely to see you building your friendships and learning every day. Well done!

John Son (12A) – For being kind and respectful. You are a well-mannered student who has maintained positive relationships with teachers and students at Marlborough Primary School. You are respectful of other students in our classroom and the school community and you make sensible choices both in and out of the class. Well done, John Son!

Jed S (12B) - For trying your hardest when faced with challenges and always being such a lively member of the classroom. You are such a fun and interesting part of our class Jed! 

Zayden G (12C) - For consistently contributing to class discussions we love to hear your knowledge and ideas. You are a fantastic role model of mutual respect. 

Lachlan P (34A) -  For the incredible growth and steps forward in both your learning and becoming a vital member of 3/4A, has been amazing to watch. Your passion and knowledge of world maps, and world history has been inspiring and engaging for the many class presentations. Well Done. Keep it up!!

Penny  McG(34B) - For applying her Friendology strategies to develop a close knit group of friends within the class. Penny is happy at school and this is reflected not only in her social interactions but her application work. Penny is really stepping up and doing her Personal Best with tasks. Well done Penny.

Evie G (34C) -  for being consistently positive in all that you do. Be it walking in with  a smile, dancing in the back of the room, singing with friends or grappling  with a learning challenging. Your infectious attitude has made 3/4C a wonderful place to learn during 2022. Well done and thankyou Evie, keep it up in 2023. 

Abby H (56A) - For all the effort you put into everything you attempt, the friendship you show to all of your peers and the positive attitude you demonstrate in the classroom!

Stratos K (56B) - For how well you ended the year. I was so impressed at the effort you put into all tasks and your passion project. Great job on working hard to achieve your Personal Best.