Faith, Mission and Identity

"I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me


Feast of St Brigid & The Liturgical Theme Art Award

As a College, we gathered to celebrate our incredible patroness on Friday 3 February. This mass was an opportunity to welcome back our Class of 2022 and to formally welcome those new to our community in 2023. 


Introduced at this mass was our 2023 Liturgical Theme. Each year, our Faith and Charism Captain decides on a liturgical theme for the College. Drawn from St Paul's letter to the Philippians, our 2023 theme "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me", is grounded in Christ as the source of strength, through which we can achieve anything. 


Paul when he wrote this to the Philippians, was not writing from a place of luxury. He’d been tortured, imprisoned, and likely wrote this letter in the latter half of his prison years in Rome. He goes from a life of luxury as someone of prominence in Jewish circles to one of the most persecuted men in Rome. In these circumstances, he extorts the Philippians to come to believe and claims that he can do all things through Christ.


Paul reminds us that Christ gives us the power to endure what we otherwise could not by our own means. He gives us the strength to press on during trials and difficult seasons of life. 


On the other hand, He also gives us strength through contentment and joy, no matter what our circumstances. He reminds us of our eternal hope. No matter what happens to us on earth, we have something far greater waiting for us when we reach the end of our race.


The Liturgical Theme Art Award was inaugurated this year. The art competition that ran in Term 4 last year was an opportunity for students to showcase their art skills and creatively present the next year's theme. 


The winner of this year's award encapsulated all that it means to be strengthened through Christ. She has created an image unique to our College and history; illuminating through her art, both strength and gentleness. 


It was with great pride, that we announced the winner of the 2023 Liturgical Theme Art Award, Angelina Papayianakis (Year 11) for her work A Glimpse of Peace.


Below is Angelina’s artwork and Artist Statement that was presented to the community: 

My body of work A glimpse of peace (2022) explores the possibilities and history behind catholicism and the faith of the early saints, inclusive of Jesus and St Brigid representing strength and gentleness. 


This artwork I have created is an original idea stemming from the Brigidine community and the saints associated with it as well as the symbolism of Christianity and the impact it has on people.
 I used different painting techniques and contrast between colours, for example the cross and shading, to show the importance of illuminating the cross itself but also to show that it is a symbol through times of struggle and in times of hope. 


The quote “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” - Philippians 4:13 relates to my body of work through the representation of Jesus’ hands holding the rosary beads falling towards St Brigid and the cross symbolising guidance and strength given by God.


 In the chosen artwork it is shown that there is a pair of hands coming out of the sky representing Jesus holding gold rosary beads, symbolising the catholic faith and practices following the church. Also seen there is a girl in a green dress, St Brigid, following and taking inspiration and guidance from Jesus himself. 


In the bottom left corner there is a traditional cross displaying its material being wood to represent the cross Jesus carried with him throughout his journey to Calvary and the dedication and strength it took him to complete this journey; therefore is one of the most important features in my body of work.  
And lastly, an important aspect of the painting is the clouds. The clouds being light and fluffy represent and symbolise peace and calmness throughout catholicism and traditions following this faith. The clouds being angel clouds with the effect of light shining, hint the guidance displayed by Jesus and the rosary beads being tradition and Christianity. These clouds radiate beauty and warmth and are a reminder in day to day life that both God and peace follow you.   

Year 7 Welcome Mass 


On Wednesday 15 February, Year 7 and their families gathered for our Eucharistic Celebration to officially welcome them to the Brigidine community. 


During the eucharistic celebration, our new students received their blessed Bibles and Badges from Principal, Sharyn Quirk and Pastoral Care Teachers. 


We ask God’s richest blessings be upon our new students as they begin their journey at this College:


Lord God, 
We thank you for these young people who have joined our Brigidine community. Help them to make the most of the opportunities they have and to build relationships with each other. Help them to know your presence is with them in the joys and the struggles that are part of school life. We pray that as they grow here at Brigidine College, they will come to know you. 
Fill them afresh with your spirit and inspire them to walk in your ways.


Jamie Lee Wood

Director of Religious Education and Mission