Assistant Principal's Report 

Welcome back to all of our OPPS families and a very special welcome to those joining us for the first time in 2023. It has been wonderful to see all of our students settling in so smoothly for their first week back and ready to get learning! 


We are so impressed that so many of our students have also stepped up to ensure our new students feel welcome, have people to buddy up with in the Learning Communities and friends to play with during break times. 


The teachers have been particularly proud of the way that students have been quick to follow instructions and take such care of their learning spaces. Their learning this week has been mainly around school routine, values and expectations. Next week they will start to explore some Literacy and Numeracy concepts as well as expectations within these learning sessions.


We are also excited to welcome over 80 prep students next week. Our 2023, Preps have been completing a short one-on-one assessment with their classroom teacher this week. It has been great to see the level of confidence the preps are already showing and how eager they are for Monday morning...many bursting with excitement and letting us know at the gates how many sleeps to go!





On Wednesday 22nd February between 2:15pm and 4:30pm we would like to invite all of our families in for an Open Afternoon. This will be an opportunity for each of our families to come into the school and explore your child’s learning environment, including both the learning communities and specialist spaces. The school day will conclude at 3:00pm as per usual however, the learning communities will be open until approximately 3:20pm. 


We would like to emphasise that this afternoon is not an opportunity for a formal parent-teacher interview. There will be an opportunity for this at a later date. We would really like the emphasis of this event to be a more informal opportunity to build relationships and social connections with our community.  


From about 3:30pm onwards our Parents & Friends group are putting on a Sausage Sizzle for all of our families to enjoy. The staff will also have a series of outdoor games set up for you to enjoy quality time with your children as well as get to know some of the other parents in the community. The event will conclude at 4:30pm.


To support our Parents and Friends group in catering for this event, we would appreciate if you could please fill in this google form to indicate the number of people you will have attending. Please note this is a soft RSVP, don’t stress if you have a couple of extras join on the evening, the link is purely to get a rough indication for catering purposes.


We will also have Big Childcare present in the afternoon, running a few activities for the kids as well as being available to answer any questions you may have. 






As you may be aware, when students demonstrate our school values, they are rewarded with Spark Bucks. Students save up their Spark Bucks and can purchase a range of different prizes from the Prize Menu. At the end of last year, we surveyed students on the prizes they would like to see on the menu and as a result, we have amped up our Prize Menu!!


Some of the more expensive prizes include 30mins of Nintendo Switch time with Mr Jagoe or Cooking Classes with Miss Sutherland. 



As a way to fundraise for these prizes, we will be cooking up some pancakes on the BBQ on Tuesday 21st of February for our students to enjoy. Classes will be invited over in the morning block to get a couple of pancakes. 


In the coming days, you will see a Compass event pop up in your newsfeed with further details. The cost will be $3 per student. 


If any families would like to donate pancake shaker mixes, or any toppings for the pancakes, such as maple syrup, jam or lemons, we would be very appreciative.