Year 9 Expeditions 

Cape York Indigenous Homelands Expedition 

Lachlan Yeo, Year 9 


As part of the Year 9 Impact Program, a group of Year 9 students travelled to Cape York from 29 September to 8 October to complete a ten-day journey across various Indigenous homelands. The journey started with an early morning flight to Cairns, followed by a six-hour bus drive. 

During our trip, we had the opportunity to fully immerse ourselves in the culture and traditions of the communities. We delved into their history, art and hobbies which gave us an understanding and appreciation for their way of life. 


We were fortunate enough to experience Indigenous dances, hear some captivating stories about Aboriginal heritage, and try traditional foods. 

Living with families in the communities was undoubtedly one of the highlights of our journey. This firsthand experience provided us with a glimpse into the lives of the Indigenous people living in this community, and shed light on some of the challenges that they face, such as limited access to healthcare and education. 

Throughout our expedition, we actively engaged in community service projects like assisting with painting bathrooms and kitchens. These experiences truly showcased the power of community, as we were able to make an impact on each of the communities that we visited. 

We also completed a 12km hike, which was very challenging and also very rewarding. Taking part in these types of experiences offered us the chance to make stronger connections with each other.  

Overall, our ten-day adventure through Cape York’s homelands was a memorable experience. We came to appreciate the richness of Indigenous culture, gained an understanding of the challenges these communities face, and recognised the significance of safeguarding their heritage and the environment.


Below are a few quotes from student reflections. 

Stephen Cypriotis, Year 9 

The Cape York expedition was a unique experience. Waking up early and travelling to Queensland to stay with Traditional Elders was an opportunity I didn't think I would ever get. During my stay, I participated in activities such as fishing, hiking, community service, making traditional tools, bush walks, and snorkelling. 

Camping out every night under the stars was a breath of fresh air from the usual rush of modern life. It was amazing being able to take a step back and calm myself by talking with Traditional Owners, who were very keen to share their vast knowledge and treated us as if we were their own kids. Overall, the Cape York expedition was truly incredible, and being able to share the experience with my friends made it even more enjoyable. 


Alex Verginis, Year 9 

The snorkeling part of the camp in Port Douglas really made the whole experience feel extra-special. To swim alongside my peers and teachers on the Great Barrier Reef and see an abundance of beautiful wildlife and coral was a fantastic experience. The guided tours enabled everyone to have an in-depth understanding of the reef and what can be done to help sustain it for many years to come. The whole experience made me feel joyful and extremely amazed.

Lila McMahon-Johnson, Year 9 

Cape York taught me so much. I was so immersed in this camp experience. It taught me about how different people in Indigenous communities live. Being able to stay among the traditional owners really changed my perspective on a lot of things. 


A highlight of the immersion was getting to talk to the Traditional Owners of the land about their lives and culture. Overall, the Cape York experience was an eye-opening, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The Great South West Expedition

Onkaar Lamba, Year 9 


The Year 9 Great Southwest Expedition was a truly great experience, and a very different type of trip to the camps I've attended in previous years. 

We built a real sense of independence while staying at Port Fairy, which was our first destination. From self-guided tours around the town, to buying ingredients and cooking meals on our own, it set us up for the teamwork needed for the rest of the camp. 

There was plenty of downtime at Port Fairy, and this time was used to build connections and memories with new people which will last a lifetime. The mini-golf and the soccer match were my personal favourites. 

After an exciting time in Port Fairy, we headed off to the Grampians. Upon our arrival, we wasted no time and dove right into our scheduled activities. Abseiling, the Flying Fox and the Giant Swing were just some of the thrilling activities we participated in over the next three days. 

After our tiring and action-packed days, we were treated with some tasty dinners made by the staff, and winded down with a movie night as well as football and ping-pong tournaments. 


Our last destination was Princetown. But first, we made a short visit to the 12 Apostles where we soaked in the atmosphere and prepared for the 15km hike to our next destination - the Kangaroobie Campsite. 

The hike was extraordinary, and there were many great views along the way. This was also a great time to connect with some of the staff, such as last year's School Vice-Captain, Charlie Clancy, and Ms Busuttil.


Kangaroobie was a great experience. Taking part in the Canoeing, Obstacle Course, Cow Farm Tour, and the Bush Game were very rewarding. Winding down with another movie night and Ms Busuttil and Mr Knap’s hot chocolate was a fantastic way to end the extremely enjoyable and successful expedition. 


Below are a few quotes from student reflections. 

Saisha Mehndiratta, Year 9 

Abseiling looked absolutely terrifying when we got there, and I was incredibly close to not participating in this activity at all. Just the feeling of being on top of a mountain and having to glide your way down didn't sit right with me. 

But after receiving lots of encouragement from my friends, I started to feel a little more confident about doing the activity. I'm very glad I did do it, because it was really simple and fun. I would've missed out on doing it if my friends hadn't been there to support me with it. After completing this activity, I felt confident and proud, which gave me the motivation to give everything else on this expedition a go. 

It was amazing to have the support of my peers and friends throughout this journey. I was also able to form bonds with people I'd never even expect to talk to, and try so many new things. It really is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. 

Henry Hu, Year 9 

The Great South West Expedition was the highlight of my year. Not only were the activities such as canoeing and abseiling fun, exciting and engaging, the new bonds formed with new friends, and old bonds strengthened with old ones, made the whole experience unforgettable. Not having technology on this expedition positively impacted my experience, as it was a good detox from my phone, and allowed for more face-to-face interactions with my peers. 


Fraser Macdonald, Year 9  

This expedition was a fun but challenging experience across seven days where we connected with our peers and developed deeper bonds throughout the year level. We participated in a range of activities, from cooking, to abseiling, to community service, to farm tours. It was a well-balanced and rewarding trip, and accompanied by supportive staff, which made it a wonderful experience for all.