Junior School Camps

Years 3 and 4 Camp Jungai

Luca Charalambous, Year 4 

On Wednesday 13 September, the Years 3 and 4 students went on school camp to the amazing Camp Jungai. I found the two-hour drive to be extremely boring, but at the end of the day it was well worth it!

Once we arrived, we started with the activities. My top three favourite experiences at camp were: firstly the Possum Pull, secondly the Scavenger Hunt, and thirdly, the Canoeing.

The reason I loved Possum Pull is because of its outstanding height, speed, and scenery. If you're thinking what in the world is Possum Pull, then listen to this! Possum Pull is a high rope where you get attached to your group, they then run at your chosen speed which safely lifts you up off the ground, and then you throw two adorable teddies into a bucket. 

The reason why I enjoyed the scavenger hunt is because of its competitiveness, use of mind, and fitness. And the reason why I loved canoeing is because I was with my best friend, Magnus, and we enjoyed splashing everyone, including each other.


My top three least favourite moments at camp were: firstly, the bus ride, secondly, the Low Ropes, and thirdly, the Indigenous leaves. I didn’t enjoy the bus ride because it was boring, tiring, and made me feel a little sick. I didn’t like the low ropes because it wasn’t challenging enough for me, it was too low, and too short a distance. I also didn’t enjoy the Indigenous leaves because they had an unpleasant flavour.

Overall, Camp Jungai was a phenomenal experience! I loved it because of its range of activities, kind leaders, and beautiful scenery. I learnt perseverance from not backing out of any activities. I'd like to visit the Camp again in the future.

Mia Nation, Year 4 

On 13 to 15 September, the Years 3s and 4s went to Camp Jungai. The bus drive was roughly two-and-a-half hours long. During the journey, we were able to see amazing scenery, which I really enjoyed! 

The top three experiences I enjoyed the most were: 1) Learning from Auntie, the Indigenous Elder, 2) The Scavenger Hunt, and 3) Our Cabin.


I loved learning from Auntie who was one of the Elders at Camp Jungai. She showed my group new plants, and she also showed us if we could eat them or not. Auntie showed us how to make soap out of just leaves and water. That was crazy! 

I also thoroughly enjoyed the picture scavenger hunt where I was paired with my friend Grace. In my opinion, we worked really well together. 


Lastly, my cabin was great. The best bit about having only seven girls in your class is that you all get to be in one cabin! We all had a super fun time together. 

Overall, I loved Camp Jungai. Each and every activity was fun, and I really enjoyed learning lots of things, but my absolute favourite was learning the bedtime stories from Auntie.


Jack Klarin, Year 3 

'Chat, chat, chat.' I was talking to William, my bus partner as the bus was crunching along the gravel, but the sound of the wheels crunching the gravel was deafened by the chit chat made by young, excited children. 

'Chirp, chirp, chirp.' I woke up ready for a day of activities! I went to breakfast and ate some croissants, and played until it was time for our first activity. 

'Squawk, squawk.' It was the next day. We woke up, ate breakfast and played soccer until our last activity. 

'Screech.' The bus halted. The trip had felt like a minute. We all got off, grabbed our bags and waited patiently for our parents to pick us up. 

Year 5 Camp to Narmbool and Sovereign Hill

Xavier Nicholson and Jenny Stephens, Year 5 


Recently, the Year 5s went on a four-day camp to Narmbool and Sovereign Hill, just outside of Ballarat. On the way, we stopped at the Eureka Centre, where we saw the real Eureka flag and learnt some surprising facts about it. 

Once we arrived at the Camp, I was amazed to see that only was the land spectacular, it was also massive! The whole camp area was larger than 1000 MCGs! 

Then it came time for activities. We were split into groups, where we could participate in either a scavenger hunt or climb the escarpment and play a team-building game called ‘Lave Pit’.  The scavenger hunt was especially fun. 

After our time at Narmbool, we went to Sovereign Hill, where we quickly became immersed in the 1850s gold rush. It was amazing to see a gold bar valued at nearly $300,000. Some lucky students even got to hold it! 


Afterwards, we went to the lolly store for some shopping. We also went panning for gold and were surprised to see how much gold could still be found in the river!


Overall, everyone had an amazing time and we think Camp Narmbool was the best!

Year 6 Canberra Camp 

It’s exciting to see our Year 6 students are having a captivating camp as they explore and learn all about our capital (in perfect weather!).

This visit aims to develop deeper understandings of democracy and how a government operates. Throughout the year, students have been learning about leadership and the responsibilities of leaders. They will also make connections to Australian places of significance.