Learning and Teaching

Week 5, 2021

'Powerful teaching in a Catholic school seeks to develop deep learning and create animated learners, inspired by the Gospel and led by the Holy Spirit to act for justice and the common good. ' Horizons of Hope


The three major contexts in which children learn are the family, the school and the community.  We recognise that families are the first educators of our children. As a child grows the school joins in their learning journey. This is when a partnership between home and school begins. As a community we work together in the faith formation, learning and well being of the young people entrusted in our care. When parents, teachers and children come together opportunities for the full flourishing of each child is enabled.


We ask that we all keep the communication lines open and that as parents we speak to our children about what they have been learning, explore concepts together and provide opportunities for their learning to be maximised.


Currently, it is a great time to talk to our year sixes about the impact of natural disasters on some people's lives and the Earth. They are particularly focused on fire and floods.