Principals News

Carmel Stutterd

Good afternoon families,

What a beautiful Friday afternoon.

Today we farewell our crossing lady Ria. She has been our crossing lady for 8 years and we wish her the very best of life in her retirement.


200 Years of Catholic Education in Australia 

Catholic Education  will be celebrating 200 years of education in Australia on Monday 24 May. To celebrate this milestone St Louis will be having a liturgy at 9.15 am. A sausage sizzle at lunch time and tabloid activities at lunchtime organised by some of the grade 6 leaders.

it promises to be a great day.



Last Tuesday we had a PFA meeting and discussed the Easter Egg raffle and the Mother's Day stall and breakfast. These events have been very successful and very well supported by the school community. Thank you to everyone who has supported these events in some capacity.

The PFA are in the process of organising a fantastic gala night for all the parents in August. More news will be coming in the PFA section of this newsletter, over the coming weeks.



We have had to change the format of our assembliesdue to COVID- 19 guidelines. We cannot have the whole school and parents of the classes presenting as we will go over the capacity allowance.We have asked the students if they would like assemblies to be for the whole school and no parents attend or half the school attends and the parents of the classes presenting therefore can attend.

The students voted for the later option.

Monday' assembly, the parents of 1 KW, 1 ES and 6 EJ can attend and only half the school students will attend( a roster has been set up). No siblings from classes that are not rostered to attend can go to the assembly, as we may then go over our capacity limit.


Enjoy your weekend

Carmel Stutterd