State Lockdown Update- Principal

Mr Chris Grimmer


As you may have already heard, the Acting Premier, James Merlino, announced this afternoon that Victoria will go into a 7 day lockdown as of 11:59pm tonight. 

The Acting Premier has announced that tomorrow, Friday 28th May, has been designated a ‘student free day’ across the state, so no students will attend school tomorrow.

This lockdown means that schools will be closed on Monday 31st May, Tuesday 1st, Wednesday 2nd & Thursday 3rd June. As a result, all students at Merbein P-10 who can be cared for safely at home must stay home. Merbein P-10 College will be open for on-site supervision of:          

  • Children whose parents are considered essential workers, cannot work from home and where no other supervision arrangements can be made for them to stay home safely.      
  • Vulnerable children, including children in out-of-home care, children deemed by Child Protection and/or Family Services to be at risk of harm during this four day period. 

For students who are on-site, staff will be providing supervision and learning support only, as they will be facilitating remote learning at the same time. No formal teaching will take place on-site.


Parents with students who meet the criteria listed above and require on-site supervision need to contact Mr. Morgan on 50252501, then complete an on-site application form for the four days of remote learning.


Teaching & learning expectations during the lockdown

  1. All learning instructions will be provided to students via their Compass News Feed. This will direct them to any other platforms, such as Google Classroom, Stile, Essential Assessment etc.
  2. Teachers will also be scheduling a Webex or Google Meet in the first two days of lockdown (Monday or Tuesday if the timetable allows) for each of the classes they teach. The purpose of this Webex Meeting will be to enable students to check in, to clarify tasks, give further instruction or extension activities or to even explicitly teach a skill. 
  3. ALL STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO FOLLOW THEIR TIMETABLED CLASSES DURING THESE FOUR DAYS. They have all been provided with these instructions, as well as a guide to what books/resources they needed to have taken home with them this afternoon.

At this time this is the most up to date information we have, however if there are any changes to these arrangements or updates from the state government I will inform families via Compass and our Facebook Page.

We all hope that this will be a short lockdown and we can continue ‘as normal’ from next Friday.

Thank you for your support once again as we endeavour to conquer this pandemic!!