Principal's Report

A Message from the Principal

As we near the end of another busy term we can reflect on the incredible resilience of our students as they coped with the challenges of a building project, storms and a lockdown. They continue to achieve great results which is reflected in their semester reports that you will receive today. It is fantastic to read the comments for each student and to see the growth in their learning. I hope that you enjoy celebrating your child's many achievements with them.

Working Bee

Yesterday we held an impromptu working bee

at the school to set up the new chicken coup and prepare the area for the chicken run. Thank-you to all of the families who were able to join us. Your time and energy is greatly appreciated. 

C.A. Meeting 

Updated Calendar of Events

The Community Association (CA) met last week and organised the calendar of events for the remainder of the year. They are all listed on the CA page of the newsletter so please note these dates in your diary. 

School Opening

As the Building Project nears its conclusion, we are planning two special events to show school families through the new learning and play spaces. We will be holding an OPEN DAY on Sunday 22 August, following the Year 2 Family Mass at 9.45am. The school will be open from 10.45am for all families, parishioners and friends and we hope you can join us. Student leaders will be offering school tours also.


The Official Opening and Blessing will be a big family social event with a luncheon and festivities for all of the family, held on Sunday 10 October.

Skoolbag App

Please read about the SkoolBag App Update on the Community News Page.

School Banking

There will be no school banking until next term. Notice of the commencement date will be in the school newsletter next term.

 Thought for the Holidays

May these holidays give you time to embark on new adventures, time to gather with friends and time to sit by a warm fire.

Stay safe and warm!


Verona Gridley
