Class of 2020

Dux - Harry Xi
Our sincere congratulations go to Harry Xi, the Kilvington Grammar Dux for 2020.
Q. Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where and what are you currently studying?
A. I am currently studying a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Melbourne, but I am finding that it isn’t resonating as I had hoped. I am planning to switch to a Bachelor of Science mid-year, which will hopefully feel more interesting to me.
Q. What was the biggest highlight of your time at Kilvington?
A. There were many highlights, it’s hard to choose one.
Q. What do you think it was that enabled you to achieve such a great result at School?
A. I believe there were many factors that helped me. I focused a lot of my time and attention studying Mathematics, which helped me to do well overall at School.
Q. What did you find most challenging and how did you deal with this?
A. I struggled with maintaining a study-life balance. It was quite challenging to deal with study and balance my time across other activities. I have to admit, I did focus a lot of my time studying Mathematics. In hindsight, I would try and balance my time more with some healthy activities in between study sessions.
Q. Do you have any advice for students studying their VCE?
A. Don’t stress about the ATAR. Make use of your study sessions so you don’t burn out doing all your homework at home. Work hard on the subjects you enjoy most or want to do well in so you get a strong top four.
Outstanding VCE results
Last year, 142 students undertook at least one Unit 3/4 study sequence and 79 completed the full VCE. We are delighted to report that three students achieved an ATAR of 99 plus.
Here is a brief overview of the results:
- The Dux, Harry Xi, achieved an ATAR of 99.35.
- 4% of our students were in the top 1% of the State.
- 9% of our students were in the top 2% of the State.
- 38% of our students were in the top 10% of the State.
- 84% of our students were in the top 25% of the State.
- 20% of Study Scores were 40 plus.
- The Median Study Score is 35.
- Perfect Study Scores of 50 were achieved in Psychology and Biology.
- One student’s Systems Engineering work has been chosen as one of the VCE Top Designs (one of only nine in the state).
As per usual, the range of courses offered was broad and diverse, reflecting our student's different interests and talents:
- 18% of students chose Medicine and Health
- 26% Natural and Physical Sciences
- 21% Law, Society and Culture
- 22% Management and Commerce
- 13% Design, Music and Technology
The most popular destinations are Monash University (50%), The University of Melbourne (20%), Swinburne (12%), Deakin (10%) and Other (8%).