Secondary 11/12

Team Leader's Message

Team Leader’s Message

As Term 3 comes to a close, I am reflecting upon how much growth I have seen in all the students.  Most Year 12s have successfully completed Structured Workplace Learning placements in the wider community, with a number of Year 11s commencing placements as they have already completed the OH&S requirements.  Rhiannon Campbell is continuing to support the Year 12s and their families for post-school transition, with the majority of Year 12s having decided on where they will be transitioning to in 2019.  Seeing our students participate in the Presentation Balls over the last couple of weeks, demonstrating maturity and enthusiasm, and looking ‘a million dollars’, I couldn’t be prouder of our students.

I’m looking forward to seeing what the final term will bring!


Success Pass Winners

Congratulations to our winners for the past fortnight, Grant L and Lakishia W, who both selected to have a fish and chip lunch.



Bronwyn Hart

Secondary 11/12 Team Leader