Wargomerrin News - Year 7

email:   wargomerrin@bairnsdalesc.vic.edu.au

phone: 5150 4818

Upcoming Events:

Dental van visitWeek 5
STYMIE - Forge Theatre Wednesday 1st March 
College School Photo DayFriday 3rd March
College School Photo Catch Up DayWednesday 8th March
Student Free Day - Staff Professional Development DayFriday 10th March
NAPLAN (Year 7)Wednesday 15th March - Monday 27th March


Already, we are almost halfway through the term. It has been great seeing students come out of their shell and really start to be a part of our College community. This has taken a lot of resilience in adapting to the new environment. We are extremely happy to have welcomed 7A, 7G, 7J and 7M into our new classrooms. It has made a huge different having the whole cohort in the same space! 



With this we have also gained access to the decked area out from the Year 7 Hub which has been bustling during break times with many of our students utilising this space. We ask students to 'watch this space' as there will be some extra things being added to this area to make it a fun filled location that students can enjoy during our break periods.



Students have also been part of the laptop roll out with almost all students now having access to a device. These devices are required for most classes, so we ask that students take these to all classes other than practical classes. Better yet, they can check the required resources for each class on their lesson plan!

By now students have worked out where their classes are and have started to get beyond the surface level content in their classes so they can really express what they are made of.


Last week we also had a great day at our swimming carnival. Our Year 7 students really picked up their participation with the majority of races filled. We even had some of our students swimming up age levels all in the name of team spirit.


Students have also enjoyed making a range of recipes in food, have started putting together a plan to make a circuit in systems and have participated in some fitness tests in PE to name a few.


We have made a focus area to celebrate student attendance as it can be surprising how many days of school can be missed with just having the odd day off. If any students seem to be avoiding school at all please get in contact with us so we can support making a plan to encourage regular attendance.




Our lockers have arrived.  They are currently being installed and we are hopeful that the students will have access to them next week.  Students will be notified when their lockers are ready for use.


Students who ordered a lock with their Schoolworks booklist will be provided with one when they are allocated their locker.  If you did not purchase a lock through the booklist, could you please ensure that your students brings a lock with them to school next week.