
Music Captains


We would like to congratulate Phoebe and Aleka who are our new music captains for 2023. Both students have already made an enormous contribution to our College music program and we are looking forward to them compering concerts, providing some practical assistance and continuing to be fantastic ambassadors for our program. 

Ensemble leaders will be appointed over the next few weeks.


Phoebe and Aleka
Phoebe and Aleka


Swing Band first performance for 2023!


This Saturday 25th March, the Swing Band will be performing at the Paynesville foreshore market as part of the Paynesville Music Festival. As the first performance for the year we are excited to have some of our 2022 Year 12 students perform with us for the last time. The band will be performing from 9:30am-10:30am. 


Music Practice


At this time each year it seems important to say something about home practice. Students will need to do some practice on their instrument and it is important that students learn to manage their own practice. They need find a time, place and practice style which suits them and fits in with other family demands. Students need to set personal goals, identify what needs to be worked on and devise strategies to solve issues with their performance. 


Parents can support practice with friendly reminders, providing a well-lit, quiet space and by offering encouragement. Students who practice make progress and there is nothing more motivational than steady progress.


If students find their enthusiasm waning, it is important that they don’t lose sight of the reason they chose to learn a musical instrument.




There are still some outstanding Participation Agreement forms and instrument hire forms. These should be returned as soon as possible.


There are still some places available for students to learn bass guitar, percussion, woodwind or brass instruments. Interested students should see Mrs Green in the music centre.


Important Dates 
Paynesville Music Festival - Swing bandSaturday 25th February Swing Band at (9:30 am -10:30 am)
Junior Band rehearsals startWednesday 8th March (3:30 pm -4:45 pm)
Autumn Concert featuring all ensemblesThursday 11th May