Learning Centre News... 

Learning Centre One


Time is going really quickly and the Preps have been settling into routines really well. They are doing an amazing job at forming new friendships, following instructions and trying their best at completing all their tasks. 

In Literacy, we have begun learning our sounds (S, A, T, P, I, N, M, D) and language experiences to help them form new vocabulary. In Maths, preps have participated in rotations where they sorted different materials such as Disney characters, beads, coloured matchsticks, transport, animals, fruit etc. 

The most exciting event of all was meeting our buddies, who came and spent time with the Preps to get to know them and gifted them with a purple buddy bear. They were so happy! It was definitely a highlight of the week. 


We will be starting take home readers next week, where the students will need to bring in their book bag on a Monday and it will be given back on a Tuesday. 

Just a reminder; 

  • ICT agreements, which will be available today (Friday), must be read over with your child, signed before your child can use ICT at school. 
  • Get to know you sessions - please make sure you book in a time with your learning group teacher, these are conducted on the following  Wednesdays 15th Feb, 22nd Feb, 1st March and 8th March. These are 1 hour sessions where you will need to drop your child off at the front office and pick them up after an hour at the office. 
  • Label your child's belongings with their full name - this helps when they go missing


Prep Team - Amanda, Donna, Imogen, Kiah, Mary, Sam & Tina. 


Learning Centre Two

We have hit the ground running in LC2 this year and we are very proud of how our students have settled into the routines and learning spaces of the 5/6 area. The students have been reading a wonderful book called The Ghost of Miss Annabel Spoon by Aaron Blabey. They have been investigating the vocabulary choices made by the author and have been using these words to improve their own writing.

Our focus in Maths has been on number and place value. The children have been finding patterns in numbers, using place value words to describe the size of numbers and have used number lines to show how to skip numbers when we count.

Last week, our Year 5s spent the afternoon with their Prep buddies for the first time. They sat and asked each other questions like, 'What is your favourite food?' and 'How many people are in your family?' At the end of the session, the 5s presented their buddies with a special buddy bear to take home.

In other exciting news, the Year 6 students were excited to finally receive their Yr 6 jackets. They have been proudly wearing their new jackets all week (despite the warm weather) and, we must admit, they look quite proud as the school's leaders.

Year 5/6 Team: Alexandra, Ann, Anna, Chelsea, Cheryl, Danielle, Gillian, Isaac, Kristina, Lisa, Salena, Scott & Zach.

Learning Centre Three

Everyone has settled into routines so well and are showing the core values towards everyone and in all the work they do!


Books, books, books, we have been reading so many books and exploring the parts of the books and the characters. We have been exploring phonics by making the sounds in different ways.



In math, we explored the days of the week, months of the year and the seasons by reading many picture story books and discussing what we do on certain days and months of the year.


For religion, we have been learning the important prayers and why they are important to us. 


We have begun language experiences. Each week students will be involved in a rotation that includes, cooking, dancing, sports, art, gardening, mindfulness and lego.


A couple of reminders…


*Make sure you sign the ICT agreement so your child can use their iPads at school.


* Remember to back some 'brain food' for your child. This is a healthy snack they can eat around 10am to get them through the morning. 


*Take home readers can be borrowed now, students will need to bring in a book bag to be able to take a book home. It is important that you read with your child at home as much as you can and record it in their reading journal.


*With the hot weather coming, please remember to pack a drink bottle and hat for your child and dress them in shorts and a tee shirt or dress. 


*We would like to welcome Learning Centre Helpers back into the space. If you have completed the training and would like to join us, please email Janeen (jayling@olscwyn.catholic.edu.au) with your availability. 


Year 1/2 Team - Alison, Bianca, Janeen, Jannine, Jess, Jordan, Marilyn, Shalome, Tasmin,  Sue and Sarena.



Learning Centre Four


So far this term in Religion, students in 3/4 have been exploring different ways of praying. In particular, we have been exploring the Rosary. Students also have an opportunity to practise praying the Rosary as a learning group. In the middle of the LC4 space, we have put up a large display to remind us of how to pray it. 


As part of our Inquiry and Wellbeing, we have been learning about the OLSC PBL matrix. In the matrix, we find the expectations of how we should show Respect, Responsibility and Resilience in different environments - indoors, outdoors, in the wider community and in the digital world. Students then created their own visual matrix, with pictures and key words or phrases to demonstrate what it looks like to show the core values. Below are some examples of the students matrices:



In Maths we have been looking at place value, particularly recognising, partitioning and representing numbers up to 10 000. We have been using 'Place Value Houses' to help us to break numbers up and recognise the value of digits in a number. Here are some examples of student work in Maths so far this term.


Year 3/4 Team: Adam, Ben, Beth, Elizabeth, Emma, Gabby, Hayley, Helen, Isaac, John, Karen & Milla.