Junior School

Ash Wednesday Mass 


We commenced the period of Lent with the College attending Ash Wednesday Mass on February 22. The boys received ashes on their foreheads where they were told, 'Repent and believe in the Gospel'.


Lent is a time we reflect upon the meaning of Jesus' death and resurrection. It is a time of reflection and repentance, of giving up things that keep us from God and of taking on special practices that can help us grow closer to one another and God. 


Pope Francis said in his Ash Wednesday homily, 'Lent is also a privileged time for prayer'; he quoted St. Augustine, who described fasting and almsgiving as "the two wings of prayer" because they are signs of humility and charity. Fra. Oscar called us to do good in all our actions and to give alms to those in need. 

Week 4 Prefects Corner

By Matthew Teo and Otis Brescacin


In Week 4, the Junior School boys hit the ground running again, with the interschool swimming team commencing early morning training on Monday morning. Fuelled by a fantastic breakfast cooked by the parents, the swim team had another tough session on Friday morning. 


Monday started with a morning assembly which Ms Kenworthy led. After the mass ended, we returned to our classes to start the week off. 


In the morning on Wednesday, the Junior school Year 5’s and 6’s had no sports training because we had the whole school Ash Wednesday Mass right at the start of the day. At the mass, we received the sign of the cross on our foreheads. The ashes were from last year’s Palm Sunday. 


On Thursday, the Year 5 and 6’s had our PSA sports fixtures against Christ Church, and every team tried their best. All of the Trinity sports teams did very well. The Year 5 White class performed their item on Friday afternoon, which we all thoroughly enjoyed.

The Junior School Recycled Art Competition - Open for 2023!


Show your creative flair as you create a flying machine from recycled/repurposed materials.



  • The artwork must be 3 dimensional but does NOT have to actually fly
  • Maximum height/width 60cm
  • Artworks to be completed by students
  • Please submit finished work to the Junior Art Room during Week 7 of this Term 


March, 17 2023


*Prize winners to be announced in Week 10