Religious Education News

Miss Isabella Ingegneri - Religious Education Coordinator

Sydney Catholic Schools Theme 2023 

Each year, a theme is created for Sydney Catholic Schools centred on Pope Francis’ message for youth and the Church’s World Youth Day themes. The theme for this year is ‘Walking with the Holy Spirit in our hearts’. The scripture passage for the WYD theme for 2023 continues to be connected to the Visitation. The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the visit of Mary to Elizabeth, as recorded in the Gospel of Luke (Lk 1:39-56).

The image features Mary and her Immaculate Heart, depicting the importance of Mary’s heart in the journey to hill country. Mary journeys with purpose, her heart on fire with a commitment to sharing the Good News of Joy. When she learned of the Good News, Mary responded in a way that shows strength, perseverance and most of all - love. She is leading us to joy and that joy needs to reside in our hearts. 

The Holy Spirit is key to knowing the Good News. It is with the Holy Spirit that we will carry onand learn to be Christ-like in a society that is changing. We need the Holy Spirit, to help guide us, to be faithful to Jesus Christ and his teachings.

As a St Francis Xavier Community, let us walk with the Holy Spirit, guiding us through the year to help inspire others in the world. Allow the Holy Spirit to be carried in your hearts, guided by Mary to bring Christ to others.

Opening School Mass 2023 

Today we celebrated our Opening School Mass,  Farewell to Mrs Morgan and the Commissioning of the new 2023 teachers and student leaders. It was a beautiful celebration, acknowledging our school theme ‘Learn Create Thrive’ as well as an opportunity to come together as a community to ask God to be with us throughout 2023. 

Thank you to Fr Richard for celebrating the mass and to the parents who attended and prayed for the year ahead. Thank you to all the staff that assisted in ensuring the celebration was reverent and meaningful. 


Ash Wednesday

On the 22nd of February, we celebrate Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the season of Lent. Ash Wednesday Mass will be celebrated at 9:15 am for Years 3-6. All parents and the parish community are invited to attend. Students in Kindergarten to Year 2 will take part in a prayer that will occur at 11:30 am  in the church. Parents are all invited to attend.


This special day begins our Lenten journey. It is the start of 40 days of prayer, penance and almsgiving as we prepare ourselves to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. Let us reflect on the words that are shared during this time “Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.”


Loving God, 

I commit this coming season of Lent to you And ask you to show me what I need to turn away from. And what I need to turn towards. Shine your loving light in those dark parts of my heart. And bring new life, new hope and new possibilities. Help me to walk more closely with Jesus. To know that I am deeply loved. And to share his love with others.


Kind regards


Isabella Ingegneri

Religious Education Coordinator