Assistant Principal's News

Fiona Scullion - Assistant Principal (Acting)

Welcome parents and families to the 2023 school year!

I hope every family at St Francis Xavier had a happy and holy Christmas and a restful holiday. We were blessed with lovely weather and judging by the tans that have returned to school, many families made the most of the holiday break. I have thoroughly enjoyed my first two weeks as Acting Assistant Principal and thank the parent community for making me feel so welcome in my new role. Your children have come back to school with happy faces and inquiring minds and the classrooms are very calm and settled. I am also very grateful for your support in following the morning procedures of keeping the playground free until bell time so we can keep your children safe, settled and ready to start their day in the best way possible. 


Uniform and Grooming

The children are to be congratulated for returning to school wearing the correct uniform. All children with long hair are reminded that hair needs to be tied back at all times. Please make sure that all items, including lunch boxes and drink bottles, are labelled to avoid misplaced items.


School Hours and Supervision

School supervision begins at 8.20 am until 3.30pm each day. We ask that students are dropped off from 8.20am onwards and not before. When dropping students off, please take careful note of the parking notices and crossing areas around our school. Your child’s safety and the safety of all our students is paramount. We kindly ask that parents stay off the school playground until 8:50 am and then you are more than welcome to join us for morning prayer and assembly.


Arriving Late to School

The morning  bell rings at 8.50 am. Any child arriving after this time needs to be accompanied by a parent to the office and signed in on the Compass iPad. This is important to ensure that the students are marked present and their attendance is correct.


Curriculum Overviews and Teacher Coaching Meetings

Our dedicated teachers are looking forward to a busy term filled with fun and lots of learning. Curriculum overviews will be released on Friday 10th February so that all parents will have a snapshot of their child’s term. Collaborative coaching meetings with teachers and the leadership team are taking place this fortnight to ensure that every child’s needs are being met.


Classroom Teachers

Your child’s classroom teacher is your first point of call regarding any issues pertaining to your child. Please send all emails or correspondence to our school office and not directly to the classroom teacher. 

School office - 97979923

School email -


Child Protection Meetings

Any parent wishing to assist on class excursions or school events needs to complete the child protection course. This is a Sydney Catholic Schools requirement and must be completed at the start of each new school year. If you have not attended one of our sessions, you will be unable to volunteer for any school activity. We will be offering 4 different session times to accommodate busy parent schedules. Session dates and times are as follows;

Session 1 - Friday 10 February at 2:30 pm in the school hall.

Session 2 - Monday 13 February at 12:00 noon via Zoom

Session 3 - Wednesday 15 February at 7:00pm via Zoom

Session 4 - Thursday 16 February at 9:00am in the school hall.

Zoom links will be sent prior to each Zoom session.


Use of St Francis Xavier Logo and School Crest

A reminder that under no circumstances can our school logo and/or crest be used without permission from Ms Grace Carlo-Stella. Any outside use of the logo or crest must be approved prior to use. 


I am looking forward to working in partnership with you on your child’s education journey.


Kind regards,

Fiona Scullion

Assistant Principal (acting)