Student Leadership

After a busy end to last year with the Whole School Picnic followed by the Leadership Training Day, our new teams of student leaders are gearing up for a big year.
All teams are holding their first meeting in the first weeks of the term. Team members need to regularly check emails and their team classrooms for details. Most teams will meet regularly (fortnightly) at a designated time eg: SRC and SVA are meeting every Blue Friday at lunchtime in rooms 4 and 5.
Student leaders across each year level will be more actively involved in the running of year level assemblies this year. Visibility of each of the teams and their goals is an important aspect of bringing students together and giving students a space to share what they are doing and to be heard. The first round of level assemblies will take place on Wednesday 15 February.
Our student leaders have the opportunity to attend a variety of leadership conference and workshops held during the year with our first two conferences happening very soon. Both conferences are being held at the Melbourne Convention Centre and will focus on practical and interactive leadership training. A variety of guest speakers and workshops will help prepare our students leaders for the year ahead. Sign up form has been shared via the Google classrooms for each of the teams.
Monday 27 February 9.15am - 2.30pm
Youth Leadership Academy Australia conference
Wednesday 29 March 9am – 2.30pm
Melbourne GRIP Secondary Conference
All of our student leaders will be given their badges and officially introduced to the college cohort at the International Women’s Day assembly on Wednesday 8 March.
Ms Wendy Harvey
Director of Student Leadership & Engagement