Principal's Message

Welcome back everyone!
The start to the year commenced with the Year 7 and 12 students being at school on Monday 30 and Tuesday 31 January. These induction days are very important as they set the scene for the year. This year the entire school is focusing on student learning growth and student wellbeing and engagement. Both of these areas play a pivotal role in building a positive growth mindset and in student self-efficacy.
In order to experience learning growth, wellbeing and engagement, students need to take responsibility for their own learning and be agents of their own future. If a student wants to be challenged in their classes because the work is too easy, then they need to let their teachers know that they are capable and confident of performing above expectations. Then the teachers will meet their needs. If a student needs further assistance because they haven’t mastered something yet, then students need to let their teachers know that they want to achieve their very best but need a little bit more guidance.
At our first whole school assembly on Wednesday1 February, I spoke about two of our four values – empowerment and inclusivity, which I share below:
Empowerment – this is about every student at MGSC taking control and owning their own power. MGSC is about to explode with all of the power that resides with our students! The year can be as supercharged as our students want it to be. The amount of energy they put into their endeavours is up to them.
Our students decide on whether they want to turn up the dial on their power and challenge themselves. Our students get to decide on whether they want to cruise along or speed up. I know what I would like to choose! I love a challenge and I bet most of our students do as well.
Inclusivity - With so many new students, not only in Year 7 but across all year levels, it is important that we live this value on a daily basis. MGSC is known for being an inclusive school with friendly and caring students and staff. So I ask our students to show the best side of themselves and be observant and aware of the new students in their classes. It all begins with a smile.
It is going to be a wonderful year!
Best wishes
Linda Brown
Introducing Hayley Dureau
I am delighted to have joined the Mentone Girls’ Secondary College community. In my first few weeks at MGSC I have enjoyed getting to know students and staff. Thank you so much to everyone who has made me feel so welcome. It is already clear to me what a special place MGSC is - a vibrant, warm, and welcoming community where every girl from everywhere is encouraged to achieve their very best.
A little bit about me - I spent 15 years teaching and leading at Mount Waverley Secondary College, a large co-educational school in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne. I taught Mathematics and led Student Voice and Agency at the college, and worked with leaders, teachers, and students to ensure students had opportunities for genuine input in their education. In 2022, I was seconded to the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership, where I worked as the inaugural Master Teacher of Mathematics in the Teaching Excellence Program. In this role, I spent the year working with outstanding mathematics teachers in the Catholic, Independent and Government sectors from right across the state, including both Primary and Secondary, in Melbourne and in regional and rural Victoria.
As a student myself, I attended Canterbury Girls’ Secondary College, another one of just six all-girls state schools in Victoria. I loved my time as a student at CGSC and thrived in an all-girls environment. I feel so lucky to have joined the MGSC community - it feels like home already.
In my first few weeks here I have been incredibly impressed by the commitment and dedication of all leaders and teaching staff at the school. MGSC truly is a wonderful learning environment where teachers go above and beyond for their students.
During last week’s Welcome Assembly, where the school community welcomed new staff and students and of course our new Year 7 students, I turned to College Principal Linda Brown and told her I had goosebumps. It was incredible to witness our Year 7s being warmly welcomed by staff and students and the genuine joy on their faces as they realised this was where they would get to learn and grow for the next six years. I hope our Year 7s have had a wonderful first few weeks and have settled into their classes under the guidance of Ms Tess Molina, Director of Junior School, and her team.
To the graduating class of 2023, our wonderful Year 12s, what a great start it has been. I look forward to seeing you thrive throughout the year. I was fortunate to visit Ms Jeannie Ta’s Year 12 Maths Methods class last week and meet some of her students, who found it difficult to believe that I had taught Jeannie Maths Methods in 2012 and 2013.
To our Year 7 and 9 students, in the coming weeks you will hear more from me about NAPLAN - a wonderful opportunity for you to showcase your learning growth.
To all students in Years 7 to 12 - all of your teachers want you to reach your full potential and to strive to do your absolute best in everything you do. We are here to help you when you need it and to make sure you are being challenged in your learning too.
Wishing parents/carers, students and staff the very best for the year ahead.
Hayley Dureau
Assistant Principal