Student Wellbeing

Financial Aid
If you are struggling financially with school items such as uniform, books and equipment, you can call MGSC and speak with Leona Thomson in the Wellbeing team to be assessed for possible assistance.
Kingston Youth Services
YA Chat
Kingston Youth Services is committed to providing safe spaces for young people to socialise and engage in various activities. YA Chat is a safe and inclusive space for young people to meet socially and discuss a variety of topics including pop culture, music, TV, podcasts and books. Young people are welcome to bring a friend along and join the Kingston Youth Service’s team monthly at Parkdale Library – snacks provided.
If young people would like to join YA Chat sessions, they must be:
- Between the ages of 13 and 21
- Connected to the City of Kingston (live, work, study)
YA Chat will be held on the first Tuesday afternoon of every month at Parkdale Library – 96 Parkers Road
Aspendale Youth Cove (AYC) is a satellite pop-up space providing opportunities for young people to engage with Youth Services and participate in a variety of activities.
All activities are held at Aspendale Gardens Community Centre on Monday to Wednesday. View eligibility and registration
Parent Information Nights
Youth Services offer free online parent information nights to parents/carers/guardians of students who are connected to the City of Kingston (live, work, study). See the website for all the topics and dates and to subscribe to their newsletter.
The first date for the year is Tuesday 21 FebruarywhenFelicity Furey will present on the topic ‘Take YOU Seriously’. The sessions aims to build students' confidence and overcome challenges.
Youth Work Support and Counselling
Kingston Youth Services offers individual online or phone support services for young people aged 12-25 who have a connection to the City of Kingston. This support includes both Youth Work and Counselling. Referral form link:
Wellbeing Team