Principal's Message

Mr Cameron Jones

Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome to the new school year at Roselea Public School! We are thrilled to have your children back and look forward to a year filled with learning, growth, and fun. I would like to extend an especially warm welcome to the new families starting at Roselea. I’m sure you will enjoy your time at Roselea and find the Roselea community warm, friendly, and very supportive. 


It has been an incredibly smooth start to the school year with students going into classes on day 1. Our teachers have done an exceptional job of creating a warm and supportive environment where students feel comfortable and confident to take risks, make mistakes, and grow. They have set the scene for a wonderful year ahead. 


Meet the Teacher

Meet the Teacher Evening will take place on Thursday, February 9th at the below times:

  • Kindergarten: 5.00-5.30pm
  • Year 1 and Year 2: 5.30-6.00pm
  • Year 3 and Year 4: 6.00-6.30pm
  • Year 5 and Year 6: 6.30-7.00pm

This is a wonderful opportunity for you to meet your child's teacher, see their classroom, and hear about the exciting plans for the year ahead. We encourage you to attend this important event and get to know the members of our school community.


This year, children are welcome to come on the evening. This will allow both parents/carers to attend the event if you like. Whilst you are in the meeting with your child's teacher, children will be able to watch a movie in the hall or play on the oval. We will have teachers supervising these 2 areas.



Due to Mrs McAnally relieving as Principal of Seven Hills PS, there has been a slight change to our executive structure with Ms Michaela Rajakariar now relieving in Mrs McAnally's position. Please see below for our executive structure:


Relieving Assistant Principal (K-2) - Ms Michaela Rajakariar 

Assistant Principal (Stage 2) - Mrs Erina Jones

Assistant Principal (Stage 3) - Mr Andrew Chong

Assistant Principal (Curriculum and Instruction) - Mrs Belinda Hall



It has been great to see so many students arriving at school just after 8.30am. We have had very few students arrive after 9am so thank you for your support and organisation at home. It has meant that all students are very settled when they move into their classrooms. Regular on time attendance is a key ingredient in ensuring academic success and making the most of the classroom experiences available to your child. I look forward to seeing this trend continue throughout the year. 


Swimming Carnival

Our annual Swimming Carnival will take place on Monday, February 13th. This is always a fun and competitive event for our students, and we hope you will come along and show your support. All parents and carers are welcome to attend. Please make sure you have completed the online permission note.


Facebook page

We also invite you to visit and engage with our school's Facebook page. It is a great way to stay informed about what's happening at school, see photos and updates, and connect with other families. 


Dates for newsletter

This term, our newsletter will be sent out on Monday:

  • 6th February
  • 20th February
  • 6th March
  • 20th March
  • 3rd April

Our newsletter has a range of different sections, I encourage you to read through the whole newsletter. Our spotlight on learning section gives you an insight into the classrooms and is a personal favourite of mine each fortnight. 


We look forward to a successful and enjoyable year together. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.