Tales from Oasis Camp 

Flying Fox - Charlotte S 

My name was called. I jumped to me feet, walking through the sticky mud. I grabbed the harness and walked through the grass, still soggy. I was half excited and half butterflies dancing around in my belly. I finally reached the long stairs. I made it to the top, longing to go on the flying fox. The lady attached me to wire she said “push off when you are ready. 1 2 3!” I was off. I had wind in my face blowing my hair back. I looked down to the ground and saw people standing there. Weee! This is fun, I was coming to the middle, I felt so excited, if I looked up I could see the birds flying along the top of my head. I was praying “please don’t poo on me, please don’t poo on me.” All that enjoyment was coming to an end. Bang! I hit the magnet and flew back to where the man was about halfway. That was fan, let’s do it again!


The Reptile Room – Ella P

On camp my favourite thing the whole time I was there was the reptile room! Even though I'm scared of a lot of reptiles like snakes and lizards and I definitely absolutely hate the smell of turtles, at camp I went into the reptile room and I was brave enough to have a snake around my neck even though it's my number 1 top fear!!! Now I'm going to tell you how I got this very special moment. So at first when I went in there I didn't even want to sit down,(Just so you're aware we weren't even doing anything)! Then Loz (the person in the reptile room), brought out the frogs I didn't touch them, then she brought out the lizards i touched them all except 1 it was a  giant bearded dragon lizard. Then she brought out the snakes i was scared at first but then i pat one and then i let her put it around my neck! So now you know how I  to this amazing moment that I will remember forever and I just want to say always try new things even if you're afraid of it!


Oasis Camp: My Favourite Moment – Grace C

My Favourite part was the rock climbing! 

I was sooooo excited for the rock climbing! My head and brain couldn't stop thinking about it, I was thinking 'ahhhh, I'm so excited! I'm going to get to the top!' My head was overflowing with so many thoughts that I was getting a headache! Ayla and Tyson had no choice but to tilt there head up then down and up and down so on. I was jumping so high I could of easily been able to hit my head on the roof! Ayla told me to 'calm down', butttt I wasn't going to, NO WAY(I was like, way to excited)! Tyson was looking at me with a tilted head, he said, "My gosh grace. Just wow." When it was my turn, I may of or may have not screamed in excitement...😅😳. When I got secured up with a harness and the rope thingys to hold me up. I started straight away, the guy who was running the thing said "straight up the wall like a cheetah!" I got to the top in a flash and jumped down the wall. On my second attempt my hands where already killing me, I didn't get to the top because I slipped, my hands did that cause how sweaty they were (blame it on the hands). My third and last attempt I got to the top again! It was so fun I really, like reallyyyyyy, want to do it again!



I’m walking up the stairs to go on the flying fox, I feel nervous oh no, my hands are sweaty and my tummy had butterflies… 

“Hello” said Ash as she was standing at the top “What do I do”? I asked. “You hang on and hold on as tight as you can, ok? I will open the gate. You hold on and go to the edge and walk off”. I do as she says and as I get closer to the edge I can feel everyone is watching me, this is going to be so embarrassing if I slip and fall, I think to myself. 

I walk off the edge “Boo”! Screams Ash trying to scare me. It worked too, but I laughed! 

I could feel the cold winters air blowing on my face as I went down. As I reached the middle of the course I could feel my hands slipping, I was scared but I knew that the jumpsuit I was wearing would save me… I still screamed though “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh my hands are slipping off” everyone can see me; I feel embarrassed but it was so much fun. I didn’t bother trying to grab back on to the handles and as I hung there I could feel my weight had shifted which scared me even more. 

When I reached the end I felt relieved “Oh phew I’m fine, lucky”! I laughed as the lady unbuckled me “How was it”? she asked “Fun”! I exclaimed Even though I was scared, it felt exhilarating to be flying through the air! 

I saw my friend afterwards “Hey Lucas, did it feel like your hands where going to slip off”? I asked him “Yep”. Said Lucas. That made me feel relieved that it wasn’t only me. 


Laser Tag - Max D

Laser tag is so much fun Laser tag is a team base game where you score points by shooting the other team. I loved to find sneaky hiding spots to shoot the other team. My heart raced as I was trying to protect myself from the other team.


The Flying Fox – Tyson W

The flying fox was fun. I loved the ghoulish wind fluttering on my face as I go faster then the speed of light down the strong fast rope. When I got to the end I had to roll into a ball for safety.