PE & Sport

The latest updates in Physical Education and Sport

PE Remote Learning - Footy Colours Day

This week in PE we have had so much fun celebrating the start of the footy finals by wearing our team colours and completing some footy ball handling skills. The senior students have even built their own "Footy Fitness" Tabata workouts that combine fitness exercises and footy skills. 

If any families have photos feel free to send them through and I can feature them in our next newsletter!

Virtual House Olympics - Google Site

It has been inspiring seeing our families getting involved in the Virtual House Olympics! It has been a battle for the top spot with the leading House Team changing each week!

Make sure you tune in to each assembly to see who is leading at the end of every week!

Check out the page through the link below for all the information you need and get involved! On our Google Site you will find a page full of fun, Olympic inspired events that can be done at home! Every entry earns points for their house team.

RHS e-challenge!

The challenge has been set for schools to try and walk around Australia! 

Lots of families are using their allocated exercise time to go for walks, especially as the weather is getting more beautiful.

To help us in our challenge, all you need to do is track your walks and enter the distance covered into the Form on the Google site page (link below). I have included an update of our distance covered so far.

Keep Active!

Caeleigh Osborne

PE/Sport Coordinator